Elastix Call Center Manual eng, Elastix, Trixbox, Asterisk, Voip

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//-->User Manual in EnglishCall Center 1.0 - 1.0 RC ElastixFor more information visit www.elastix.org1. Call CenterThis modules objective is to generate calls automatically to numbers that have been previouslyuploaded in a CSV file format. It also monitors calls received through a queue.1.1. Using Call CenterTo use the Call Center Module, you must first select a few options and provide some necessarydata. Here's the order in which it is recommend to enter this data.1. Enter information for the agents.2. Enter types of breaks (if necessary).For incoming calls:2.1. You can upload a CSV file with customer information so this information can bedisplayed on your screen when a call is being received2.2. Select the queue to be used for incoming callsFor outgoing calls:2.1. Create forms to collect information from customers that agents are calling.2.2. Create outgoing campaigns that indicate telephone numbers to call, hours of calls,etc.If all of the above items are ready, you can then enter the agent console where calls areconducted and received.1.2. ServicesIt is important to know that for the module to function properly Call Center must have theElastixdialer service initiated. This service by default is stopped, but can be start with thecommand:# Service elastixdialer Start1.3. AgentsThis allows us to enter the data of the people going to operate the system and have been namedagents. Each agent must have a number and password assigned in order to make or receivecalls.A) Agent ListDisplays list of agents, with the following data (SeeTable: 1for a description of options):Table: 1DisconnectDisconnect an agent, which has an activesession in the agent console.The agent is recorded in the database andthe configuration file asteriskConfigurationIndicates that there is a mistake with thisagent, possible cause:1. Not registered in the configuration fileasterisk2. No record in the databaseNumberNameStateNumber assigned to the agent. This numberidentifies the agent to the system.Name of AgentConnected / DisconnectedView: Displays agent information, the agentmay be Modified or Deleted.Repair: An agent will be repaired if thefollowing situations exist:1. Not registered in the configuration fileasterisk, data will be gathered from thedatabase.2. No record in the database, data will begathered from the configuration file asteriskB) New AgentTo add a new agent, click the new agent button. This displays a form with the followingfields (SeeTable: 2for a description of options):OptionsTable: 2Agent NumberNumber assigned to an agent. Take intoaccount this number is for identification andsign in.NameQueuePassword Confirm PasswordName of AgentPassword of AgentView, Edit and Delete:When clicking on the view button, this will lead you to a screen where agent data isdisplayed including: Agent Number and Agent Name.To delete an agent, click on the remove button. You can also modify the data of the agentwith the edit button. Data able to be changed include: Name and Password.1.4. FormsThis window allows the creation of forms, which are created with the objective of collecting datato run a campaign and make calls from the agent console. In this menu, there are two optionsForm List and Form Designer.A) Form ListDisplays list of existing forms, with an option to preview them before they are used in alive campaign. (SeeTable: 3for a description of options):Table: 3NameDescriptionStateOptionsName of FormDescription of FormState of Form: Active / InactivePreview: Graphical display of the formFor preview of forms:Clicking on preview will provide a graphical layout which displays the name, description,and fields in a form. It is important to note that this option does not allow you to enter anydata.B) Form DesignerLike previous options (SeeTable: 4for a description of options):Table: 4NameDescriptionStateName of FormDescription of FormState of Form: Active / InactiveView: Text display of the fields which hold theform data. The form can be: Edited, De-activated, Deleted.Activate: Activates forms whose status isinactive.Options [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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