Elongated Skulls of Peru and Bolivia - The Path of Viracocha by Brien Foerster, ZOBACZ TU! Różne

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//-->Elongated SkullsOf Peru And Bolivia:The Path Of ViracochaBrien FoersterCover Photo By Marcia K. MooreCopyright © Brien Foerster, 2015All Rights Reserved.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, digital or electronicprocess, or in the form of a photographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, orotherwise copied for public or private use without the written permission of the publisher.Digital book(s) (epub and mobi) produced byBooknook.biz.DedicationThis work would in no way be possible without the expertise, wisdom and adventurousspirit of Sr. Juan Navarro Hierro, director of the Paracas History Museum. It was throughmy relationship with Sr. Juan that the phenomenon of artificial cranium deformation firstgrabbed my interest, and turned it into a quest.He was born and raised in the Paracas Peru area, and early on avidly pursued theremnants of the fabulous pre-Colombian cultures which had inhabited the area. Sr. Juanis respected by many Peruvian archaeologists for his vast knowledge of the ancientcultures of the Pisco, Paracas and Nazca areas, and in my opinion he is indeed theforemost expert.I also dedicate this book to Lloyd Pye, known to many for his 12 years studying thestrange starchild skull, as well as his questioning the validity of Darwinian evolutionarytheory. Though he died at a young age, his contributions to unravelling the mysteries ofhumanity will never be forgotten.And last but never least, my thanks to my beloved Irene, whose interest in the mysteriesof historical Peru and Bolivia rival my own.Sr. Juan Navarro and baby Paracas skullContents1: Introduction2: Peru And Bolivia Focus3: Viracocha4: The Path Of Viracochan5: Below The Path Of Viracocha: Chile6: Tunupa And Uyuni7: Potosi8: Oruro9: Tiwanaku And Puma Punku10: Island Of The Sun11: Sillustani12: Colca Canyon13: Andahuaylillas: Huayqui14: Cusco15: Ollantaytambo16: Abancay17: Ayacucho18: Inca Wasi And Huaytara [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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