Elizabet1, Pride and Prejudice Fanfiction

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Elizabeth's Persuasion By Melissa

Chapter 1

Posted on Friday, 28 July 2000

"Already arisen. What do you mean my dear?" Mr. Bennet said looking at his distressed daughter.

"Papa did you see Lydia's behavior at the Netherfield Ball last November?" Lizzy said in a strained voice.

"Yes my dear, I certainly remember it. Who couldn't?" Mr. Bennet said with some guilt.

"Well think papa. Mr. Bingley left the very next day, so Lydia's wild behavior was partly the cause of it."

"I see. Well maybe your are right. I should try and take control of them this summer. Send Lydia in my love." Mr. Bennet said, never failing from trying to keep his favorite daughter happy.

"This is all your fault Lizzy!" Lydia yelled a few minutes later. "Why did you have to get involved? It was none of your business. I wanted to go! But because of Miss Perfect Lizzy, daddy's little girl, I can't go! I hate you Elizabeth!"

"That Lydia is one reason why you are not going. So until you can conduct yourself in a reasonable matter you are confined to your room. That goes for you as well Kitty." Mr. Bennet said coming out of the library and surprising the girls with his loud authoritative voice.

"But Mr. Bennet!" Mrs. Bennet screeched. "The Colonel personally invited her."

"Yes but I make the final decision Mrs. Bennet I am still the head of this house. And its fine time I start acting like it. Those two will not go anywhere without one of their older sisters, balls are forbidden, and there will be no more talk of officers or Brighton for the rest of the summer." Mr. Bennet said to all of them getting crying from both Lydia and Kitty.

"This is all your doing Miss Lizzy and I will never speak to you again." Mrs. Bennet said shaking her finger at her second daughter.

"Then that's twice you promised that and since you didn't hold to it the first time I sure hope that you do the second time Mother." Elizabeth said smiling at her.

"That is another thing. This isn't Lizzy's fault. This is yours Mrs. Bennet, if you showed some decorum and taught them girls to be respected and proper like Jane and Elizabeth then this wouldn't be happening. So if you want to blame, blame yourself and me, not Elizabeth." Mr. Bennet said walking out of the room.

By dinnertime everything quieted down somewhat. Kitty was talking to Lizzy, thankful for what she did, but both Mrs. Bennet and Lydia ignored her. So the time couldn't come quick enough for the trip to the Lakes.

Chapter 2

Posted on Saturday, 29 July 2000

When Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner came and they left for Derbyshire, Lizzy was pleased. The ignoring and coldness has finally gotten on her last nerve. Finally they were on their way to where no one would bother Lizzy for a while and she could finally have some relief.

"So Lizzy how is everything at home?"

"Chilly Aunt, very cold. Mama and Lydia are still not speaking to me, but the good thing is that Kitty isn't following Lydia's example as much. She is starting to hang around Mary and Jane. So there is some good that came out of this." Lizzy said smiling to her favorite aunt.

"That is good. I tell you what I was surprised to see that Thomas finally took some control over them girls." Mr. Gardiner said smiling.

"Yes, but it is for the better." Mrs. Gardiner said.

It was then decided the following night that they would venture to Pemberley the next day. Elizabeth felt better after the maid told her that the family wasn't home for the summer. But we all know how that went.

A.N. I won't spare you all the details of what went on that day and the next night. If you want to know go watch the excellent movie or read the book. From here on is new, some words are taken from Jane Austen the rest is purely me. Well some inspiration from "First Love" by Kata, I hope that you don't mind. Also, according to the book they were suppose to visit with the Darcys over those next couple of days, but because of Lydia they didn't. So I am saying that a week to 9 days went by since the first meeting.

As Lizzy was reading a delightful letter from Jane, Mr. Darcy called on her.

"Hello Miss Bennet. I trust that you are well." Darcy said smiling warmly at her.

"Very well sir, I thank you." Lizzy said blushing slightly.

"Where are your aunt and uncle?"

"They left a few minutes ago for the church. I was reading a letter from Jane"

"And how is Miss Bennet doing?"

"Very well, her letter was misdirected at first and that is why I am just now getting it, my cousins are occupying her time greatly." Lizzy said carefully not knowing how to talk about a delicate subject as this.

"Yes, that is good but I am hoping than soon she will receive a special visitor." Mr. Darcy said smiling mischievously.

"And why or who is that sir?" Lizzy asked puzzled.

"I will tell you on our walk, shall we Miss Elizabeth?" Darcy said offering his arm to her.

"Well since I have no choice and my curiosity has won." Lizzy said smirking at him and taking his arm.

Chapter 3

Posted on Sunday, 30 July 2000

"Ok sir, who is going to see my sister?"

"Can't you guess?" Darcy said smiling at her.

"Could it be Mr. Bingley?" Lizzy asked quietly half hoping, knowing that the Bingleys mysteriously left 3 days earlier.

"Yes. I told him the truth the night before he left Miss Bennet. I couldn't destroy his happiness any longer. You may have noticed that he asked about her frequently and well..." Darcy said quietly.

"Thank you Mr. Darcy. Truly thank you." Lizzy said smiling at him with a warm expression in her fine eyes.

"Besides there was another reason I did it."

"There was?" Elizabeth said stopping to look at him.

"Yes. Miss Bennet, Elizabeth I have tried this past week to show you that I have changed. That I took your words said to me last April to heart. I have fixed the wrong with your sister and I was hoping that maybe I could start over with you." Darcy said quietly and taking a deep breath continued. "Elizabeth my feelings have not changed. I still love you dearly and I am hoping, no praying, that you would allow me to court you? So maybe after time you could love me as much as I do you."

Elizabeth just stood there and started at him. Could this be? I have been hoping that he still loves he and me does. Then smiling warming at him she began to speak. "Mr. Darcy since April my feelings for you have indeed changed. I don't need anytime to pass for me to learn to love you." At this Darcy's expression fell but she smiled and continued. "For the past few months I have been miserable and I couldn't think why. And now I know the reason why? It's that I love you and I couldn't stand to think that you didn't love me any longer. Especially when I come to realize that I do adore you." When Elizabeth finally said all that she felt and when she dared to look up at him she saw that he was smiling at her. And there was such love in his eyes that she knew at that moment that she made the right decision.

"Oh dearest Elizabeth!" Darcy said wanting to take her in his arms but propriety said not to. "You have made my fondest wish come true. I thought that this past week I was imagining the way that you have been acting and looking at me."

"No indeed sir, I realized when you were staring at me that that is how you have been looking at me for all those months. And I was too prejudiced to see it, I thought that you were trying to find fault in me." Elizabeth said quietly.

"And I was too proud to admit that I loved you, and no dearest I could find no fault in you." Darcy said stepping closer and placing his hand under her chin to tilt her head to him, preparing to kiss her.

Chapter 4

Posted on Monday, 31 July 2000

"Lizzy! Mr. Darcy! Hello!" both of them jumped at the voices.

"Oh Aunt Gardiner hello. Mr. Darcy came to the inn to call and we were walking to meet you at the church." Lizzy said blushing slightly.

"Good day Mrs. Gardiner. Good day Mr. Gardiner. I have come to ask all of you to join my sister and myself on a picnic with some fishing for you Mr. Gardiner." Mr. Darcy said smiling at them.

"Thank you Mr. Darcy, we would be delighted to join you." Mrs. Gardiner said. And with that they all got into the carriage and proceeded to Pemberley.

Little while later when Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner where by the lake fishing, Lizzy, Mr. and Miss Darcy were laughing and talking joyously. Elizabeth, who was sitting next to Mr. Darcy, was enjoying his closeness and the fact that they both admitted to what they were feeling and everything was wonderful between them. She was also amazed at how happy and carefree he looked here at his home. No shyness or false dignity about him.

"So Miss Darcy, tell me more about your brother when he was younger."

"There isn't much that I can remember but there was one time when William went out riding and came back dripping wet."

"OH NO! Georgie! Not that story please!" Darcy explained loudly.

"Oh please Miss Darcy! Do tell you got my curiosity." Elizabeth said smiling at Darcy.

"Well if you will excuse me ladies I think I will go and check on how Mr. Gardiner is faring." Darcy said getting up and walking away.

"Oh dear it is embarrassing for William." Georgie said smiling. "But he looked so funny and I was really sad that day. He came home and our father really let him have it about being all muddy and wet. Not very dignified for the future Master of Pemberley. William said that he was riding and a little girl came across his path and he fell, quite literally into the lake. Our father didn't believe him." Georgie finished laughing, but noticing the expression on Elizabeth's face asked. "Miss Bennet is something wrong?"

"Oh nothing, except the girl was I. when I was eleven my aunt brought me here and I was picking flowers. Just then a man on a horse came out of now where and started me. He was so embarrassed that he never said his name only Fitz and then he left." Elizabeth said laughing at the memory.

Just then Mr. Darcy walks back over and sits next to Elizabeth again.

"So Georgie did you tell her?" He asked his laughing sister.

"Yes she did Fitz." Elizabeth said smirking at him.

"Where did you...wait that's it that is what has been bothering me. It was you?" Darcy said looking at Elizabeth shocked.

Chapter 5

Posted on Monday, 31 July 2000

"Yes Mr. Darcy it was me. What do you mean bothering you?"

"Your eyes Miss. Bennet. I couldn't place them but I know that I saw them somewhere before. What were you doing here 10 years ago?" Darcy said smiling at her.

"I was here with my aunt visiting this wonderful place. I am sorry for what happen." Lizzy said laughing at him.

"No problem. I guess it was meant to be that we should meet again."

"Yes I guess so." Elizabeth replied blushing and looking away.

"Will you two excuse me. I am going to talk to Mrs. Gardiner?" Georgiana said politely, getting up.

"Yes thank you for the story Miss Darcy."

"You are welcome Miss Bennet. You are very welcome."

"Well sir, it seems that every time I see you here it is by accident and you are wet." Lizzy said smiling at him, the realizing what she said lowering her eyes with a blush on her cheeks.

"Yes it seems that way. Now where were we earlier before we were interrupted." Darcy said smiling and once again taking her chin in his hand and gently kissing her on the lips.

"I love you Elizabeth."

"I love you Mr. Darcy." Elizabeth said settling into his arms.

"Please call me Fitzwilliam or William."

"Very well, I love you William."

"Elizabeth," Darcy said looking into her sparkling eyes. "I can't live without you, I am only half a person. Would you do me the honor of being my wife and completing me?"

"Yes William I will. For now I know that I too, am only half a person without you." Elizabeth said kissing him gently on his lips.

A while later Elizabeth, who fell asleep in Darcy's arms, awoke to see her aunt, uncle, and Miss Darcy looking at them.

"Oh Aunt, Uncle, Miss Darcy I am sorry we must have fallen asleep. How long where you all standing there?" Elizabeth said blushing and trying to remover herself from Darcy's arms.

"Just a few minutes, you both looked so peaceful we didn't want to disturb you."

"Oh, hello Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. Gardiner, Georgie, Elizabeth." Darcy said waking up and reluctantly letting Elizabeth go. "I hope that none of you will say anything yet but Elizabeth has done me the great honor of accepting my hand in marriage."

"Oh William that's wonderful!" Georgie said embracing her brother then Elizabeth. " I have always wanted a sister like you."

"Thank you and please call me Elizabeth or Lizzy."

"Thank you Miss B- I mean Lizzy and I insist that you do the same, for we are too be sisters." Georgie said squealing at the last word.

"Not yet little sister, I still need to ask Mr. Bennet for his consent." Darcy said smiling at them both.

"Excuse me sir, but this express just came for you."

Chapter 6

Posted on Tuesday, 1 August 2000

"Thank you." Darcy said opening and reading the letter. "Well it seems that there is going to be a wedding. Its from Bingley and him and Miss Bennet are getting married Elizabeth."

"Oh that's wonderful William! When?" Elizabeth said standing next to him.

"In a months time, Bingley is asking for me to come to Netherfield to be his best man." Darcy said finishing the letter, well at least most of it he could decipher.

"That's wonderful. Maybe we all should return to Hertfordshire." Mrs. Gardiner said.

"Yes, we should. Perhaps we all should leave tomorrow?"

"That seems agreeable, well Lizzy, Maddie we should return to the inn." Mr. Gardiner said reluctantly, not wanting to take his niece away from Darcy.

"Why don't you all stay here for the night. That way we all can get a fresh start on the journey tomorrow. I insist that you all be my guests at Pemberley."

"Very well Mr. Darcy. My husband and me will return to the inn and pack our things we will return in a couple of hours." Mrs. Gardiner said walking over to the carriage. "Besides it will give you and Lizzy some quiet time before we return."

"Yes aunt thank you." Lizzy said smiling at them.

"Shall we go for a walk my dears?" Darcy said looking at the two most important people in his life.

"I can't William. I should go in and tell Mrs. Reynolds that we are expecting guests and to prepare the guests chambers." Georgie said walking towards the house.

"She is a sweet girl William, you have done well with her." Elizabeth said taking his arm and walking into the gardens.

"Thank you my love, I am hoping that with you here she becomes more and more comfortable around people." Darcy said smiling at her.

"I wonder how everyone is going to react to us my dear?" Elizabeth said smiling.

"Do you think that your father will disapprove of me?" Darcy asked quietly.

"No William. I may have to talk to him but no, he only wants me to be happy and loved."

"And which you both will be till my last dying day dearest Elizabeth." Darcy said placing the sweetest of kisses on her lips.

Chapter 7

Posted on Thursday, 3 August 2000

The evening as Elizabeth was playing the piano, Georgie started talking to her.

"I want to thank you again and again."

"For what dearest Georgie?" Elizabeth said looking at her future sister-in-law.

"For bringing my brother back to life. I have never seen him this happy in a long time." Georgie said smiling at her brother, who was watching them affectionately.

"Well I am going to try and keep him that happy for the rest of my life." Elizabeth said smiling at her wonderful fiancée. The look between them at that moment could have rivaled the famous "look" that took place just days ago. The rest of the evening went splendid; Darcy showed Elizabeth the library.

"Wow! I guess that Miss Bingley was correct. This is a wonderful library, my father would enjoy it in here." Elizabeth said sadly.

"Dearest what's wrong?" Darcy said walking over to her.

"Oh nothing. It's just that I am going to miss him dreadfully, both him and Jane are my true confidantes and friends at home. No one else is I that close with than him or her." Elizabeth said sadly looking at Darcy.

"Well they both are always welcome here, especially your father. I don't want to separate you from your father. And I hope that I too will become your friend and confidante." Darcy said wrapping his arms around her.

"You will William, you will be the best kind of confidante, my husband. And thank you for letting my father come, you will like him once you get to know him."

"I will? Well if he's anything like his spirited daughter, I'm sure I will enjoy getting to know him." Darcy said smiling at her.

"Spirited huh? So I am spirited, is that better than be "just tolerable"." Elizabeth said smirking at him.

"So you did hear what I said about you dearest? I thought that much by the way you acted. Well allow me to apologize for that. I am sorry my dearest, loveliest, Elizabeth, you are one of the, if only, handsomest women that I know." Darcy said kissing her gently.

"Thank you William. And you sir and one of the handsomest gentleman I know, second only to Mr. Bingley." Elizabeth said smirking at him, with an evil glint in her eye.

"Oh I knew it!" Darcy exclaimed laughing, "I knew that you like him better than me."

"Oh no sir you are wrong! He was, but know that he is going to be my dear brother, I think that you sir and indeed the most handsomest man I have ever meet." Elizabeth said solemnly.

"Well in that case dearest Elizabeth." Darcy said laughing quietly and bending down to once again capture her lips with his.

"Are you sure that you don't want to just elope sir? Than to face my family, I can only think what poor Mr. Bingley is going through at this very moment." Elizabeth said laughing a little, half-joking.

"Now that is an idea. But surely Elizabeth you are jesting?" Darcy said seriously.

"Yes I am. I was just thinking about how everyone dislikes you, partly because of my fault and of what Wickham said." Elizabeth said sitting down, avoiding his eyes.

"No Elizabeth it isn't your fault, about Wickham or anything else. It was my own pride that lets people think of me that way and I will face it when we arrive back in Meryton. The only one I care about is you dearest, now that you love me, that is all that matter most to me." Darcy said holding her hands in his, looking at her.

"Oh William, I truly don't deserve you. You are the best of all men." Elizabeth said half-laughing and half-crying.

"No my love. It is I that don't deserve you, I feel like I have been blessed from up above to have this wonderful, spirited, kind and beautiful lady in my life and I will always be thankful for those up above that destined our lives to be together. Which reminds me I have this for you, it has been in my family for generations. I almost thought it would end with me." Darcy said giving Elizabeth his mother's engagement ring.

"Oh William it's beautiful. I love it and you dearly." Elizabeth said embracing him and settle in his arms leaned up against him just enjoying the silence and watching the fire. Some time later, they both decided to get some sleep and prepare for what lies ahead of them.

Chapter 8

Posted on Friday, 4 August 2000

The journey back to Hertfordshire was a joyous one indeed. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner rode in their own carriage, while Darcy, Elizabeth, and Georgie rode in the Darcy carriage. It was filled with laughter and happiness. Just before Hertfordshire, Elizabeth went to her uncle's carriage while the Darcys were going on to Netherfield.

"I will see you tomorrow my dearest Elizabeth."

"I can hardly wait my dearest William, I will meet you at 9 on the path to Netherfield." Elizabeth said kissing him gently on the lips.

"I look forward to it. Till tomorrow morning." And with a sad goodbye the Darcys continued to Netherfield.

"Hello! Hello!" Came the replies from the Gardiner children.

"Hello my dear ones. Lizzy better hide that ring from my sister, you know she can spot engagement rings a mile away."

"Oh yes thank you Aunt, I almost forgot." Lizzy said removing the ring that Darcy gave her the night before.

"Hello my Lizzy. Welcome home!"

"Hello papa, how is everyone?"

"Fine just fine. So what is this I hear from my future son-in-law that you were at Pemberley with Mr. Darcy."

"Oh that papa, I met Mr. Darcy at his home. But papa I want to talk to you about that later when we get a chance ok?"

"Ok my dearest girl." Mr. Bennet said with some surprise, thinking there is something different in her.


"Jane! How are you dearest? You look much better, could it be because of a certain gentleman." Lizzy said noticing how Jane was radiating.

"Yes Lizzy, isn't it wonderful I am too be married. He loves me Lizzy he loves me."

"Of course he does and yes I know that you are getting married that is why we came home."

"But Lizzy I just sent the letter yesterday. How did you know?" Jane asked a little confused.

"Didn't Mr. Bingley tell you I was at Pemberley, when they were there." Lizzy said once they were in Jane's room.

"Pemberley? I thought that Charles was mistaken. What were you doing there?"

"Oh nothing but getting engaged. He still loves me Jane and what's even better I love him" Lizzy said smiling and laughing at her sister's expression.

"No Lizzy you must be joking. I know that you have always hated him." Jane said sitting next to her laughing sister.

"No I don't, I haven't hated him since April. Jane I love him, he is the best of all men."

"Ok Lizzy, just looking at you now you are much happier than you were in April." Jane said smiling.

"Yeah I could say the same thing about you my dear." Lizzy said smiling at her. After that they both starting laughing until Mr. Bennet knocked on the door.

"Lizzy my dear could I talk to you?"

"Yes father, I'm coming." Elizabeth said smirking at Jane. "What is wrong, father?"

"I want to know what happen in Derbyshire? From what I gather from your aunt and uncle you saw Mr. Darcy plenty while you where there."

"Yes father I did see Will - Mr. Darcy while I was in Derbyshire." Elizabeth said blushing.

"Dearest would you please tell me the truth."

"Father I am engaged to him. He is coming to see you tomorrow to ask for your permission."

"You are? But why Lizzy? I thought that you hated him." Mr. Bennet asked startled.

"I don't hate him, I love him so dearly father. He is truly a wonderful, kind and thoughtful man. I want to spend the rest of my life with him." Elizabeth said with such force that Mr. Bennet couldn't doubt her love for him.

"Very well my dearest. I would very like to see him immediately when he comes tomorrow." Mr. Bennet said sadly.

"Papa, I will miss you. But I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him." Elizabeth said sadly reaching for her father to embrace him.

"I love you my Lizzy and I will miss you too. You are my pride and joy." Mr. Bennet said embracing his favorite daughter. "Now be a good girl and get some sleep."

"Good night papa." Elizabeth said kissing he father on the cheek.

Chapter 9

Posted on Sunday, 6 August 2000

The next day as the gentleman arrived, Mr. Darcy was shown into Mr. Bennet's library.

"I understand sir that you have made a proposal of marriage to my Elizabeth." Mr. Bennet said surprising Mr. Darcy.

"Yes sir I have. And Miss Bennet has done me the honor of excepting. And now only ask for your permission sir." Mr. Darcy said nervous.

"And why should I?"

"Because I love her sir. I love her so dearly I can not live without her. And I am going to spend everyday of my life proving that to her." Darcy said with emotion.

Mr. Bennet just sat there and finally smiled and said. "I believe you will, I talked to Elizabeth last night and so you may have my blessing."

"Thank you sir, and I want you to know that you will always be welcome at Pemberley." Darcy said standing up and shaking Mr. Bennet's hand.

"I will remember that." Mr. Bennet said smiling.

When Mr. Darcy walked into the parlor, he saw Elizabeth he smiled at her.

"Mama, why don't Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy, Lizzy and I go for a walk?" Jane said innocently.

"Great idea Jane." Mrs. Bennet said wanting to get Mr. Darcy out of the house. "I am sorry Lizzy, but remember it is for a good cause."

"I'm sure mama." Elizabeth said walking outside with the rest of them.

"You talked to your father last night?" Darcy said when it was just he and Lizzy.

"Yes, he asked me what happen in Derbyshire. It seems that Mr. Bingley and aunt and uncle told him that we meet over the summer. So naturally he was curious." Elizabeth said laughing.

"Ok, well he sure made me feel uneasy. I thought for a moment there he wasn't going to let us marry. Then I would have had to take you to Gretna." Darcy said looking at her.

"You would?" Elizabeth asked stopping suddenly.

"Yes, even if I had to kidnap you in the middle of the night. I can't live without you Lizzy, I am sorry to say but no one is going to stop me from marrying you." Darcy said with such intensity, Elizabeth was glad that her father agreed.

"Kidnap me? I don't think that would have to happen, because I can't live without you either Fitz. So I would most certainly agree to it." Elizabeth said laughing at him.

"Fitz?" Darcy said looking at her weirdly.

"Yes, you call my Lizzy and I will call you Fitz. But only when we are alone, my dear." Elizabeth said touching her hand to his cheek.

"Ok then, I could call you Eliza but I don't think you would like that. Hey what was that for." Darcy exclaimed after being hit in the stomach.

"You dare call me that like Miss Bingley and I will have to call you Mr. Darcy." Elizabeth said gro...

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