Electronics For You Plus - October 2015, Electronics For You Plus, Electronics For You Plus 2015

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//-->electronics for you Plus | october 2015 | Vol. 04 no. 06 | issn-2454-4426contentsBuYERs’ GuIDEEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02TEch Focus402024303646526065707476What’s Your AutomationStyle: Brainy, Brawnyor Tiny?78The Right Mix ofESD Safety Toolsfor Your EnvironmentadvErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 08800295610, 09870682995E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.comFog Detection: The Optical RoutesensorsLifestyleDo-IT-YourselfCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEgujarat:CHinaHow Electronics is Helping in SportsTelecomInternet Traffic ManagementUsing MPLSTest & MeasurementWhat’s New in T&M Tools forSatellite Communication• Sonar Water-Level Meter ....................................98• Front End for Recording on PCfrom Audio Tapes and Old Disks ......................100• Wireless Mouse Charger ..................................104• Four Frequencies Generator ............................106.• Infrared Burglar Alarm .......................................108• Convert Your Old DVD PlayerWith USB to a DVP ...........................................112• Wireless AM Listening Bug ...............................114• Assistive Device for the Speech Impaired ........116• Android Application: Series RLC Circuit(Part 1 of 2) .......................................................120japanSingaporETech FocusDefenceRobotics in India: What’s Cooking?taiwanunitEd StatESAmerican Carrier Strike Groups:An Electronic Perspective(Part 2 of 5)s ubsc r iPt ion rAtesPeriod Newstand PriceYear(`)two2400one1200You Pay(`)1800960Digital(`)750280OverseasDigital PrintuS$ 15—uS$ 5 uS$ 120WearableThe Era of Printed Electronics:From 3D Printing to Inkjet Printingplease send payments only in favour ofefy enterprises Pvt ltdEmbeddedInnovationInterviewAdvancements in FPGAs andDevelopment Boards Look toAccelerate Time-To-MarketUniversal Data Acquisition andControl with Yuktix UDAC for the IoTInternet of Things:“Pay more attention to the securestorage of data collected”— KevinefY Plus DVDYoung, Dynamic Julia for Numerical Computing .....................IIcarus Verilog for Verilog Simulation ..................................IVBioSig for Biomedical Signal Processing ............................... VII8490EFY Plus DVDprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at internationalprint-o-pack ltd, C-4 to C-11, Hosiery Complex, phase-ii Extension, noida-201305,gautam budh nagar, uttar pradesh, on the first day of each month and publishedfrom d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright 2015.all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material fromthis magazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher isprohibited. although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibilitywhatsoever is taken for any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannot beused are returned to the authors if accompanied by a self-addressed and sufficientlystamped envelope. but no responsibility is taken for any loss or delay in returning thematerial. Efy will not be responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser.disputes, if any, will be settled in a new delhi court only.This Month’s DVD ContentsMake in IndiaestyleRegularsFeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsFirst LookBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index +Attractions During 2015147 Advertisers’ Indexwww.eFYmag.cOmMarket Survey: Powering Up the SolarSector in India—An OutlookCurran, IEEE senior member and reader incomputer science at Ulster University, IrelandModular T&M Instrumentation:“In the automated test market...speed is usually the most importantspecification”— Bob Stasonis, sales andmarketing director of Pickering Interfaces• Renewable Energy128130Buyers’ Guide: How to Select theRight TabletDIY: Five Smartphones With 4G LTESupport• Desktop PCB ManufacturingEquipment060810148694126131142146next issue4• Industrial AutomationOctOber 2015 | electrOnics FOr YOu plusFEEDBACKArticle on SolarPlease publish more articles on thedifferent types of solar methods avail-able for harnessing solar energy, avail-ability of solar panels in India, govern-ment subsidies and various schemesavailable for installing solar panelsat home, cost for installing 4kWh to5kWh solar panels, solar panels with-out the battery and the like.R.L. JoshiSurat, GujaratEFY:Thanks for writing to us! Wehave been publishing articles re-lated to solar inElectronics For Youtwice every year since 2009, almostregularly. If you are interested, wecan forward the list of the publishedarticles to you.‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn ‘AVR Based Programmable Object Counter’ DIY article published in August issue, RSTpin of the microcontroller is active-low, so reset switch S1 circuitry should be connected toground instead of +5V supply.Mayank PatelIn ‘Solar-Powered Kennel Light’ DIY article published in August issue, in Figs 2 and 4,solar panel rating at CON1 is wrongly written as 6V, 100E, instead of 6V, 100mA.Prashanth NayakErrataIn ‘American Carrier Strike Groups: An Electronic Perspective (Part 1 of 5)’ article publishedin September issue, on page 72, third column, fourth paragraph, the correct statement wouldbe ‘Further to cement the importance of air defence, the USSR (of which the present dayRussia was a part) entered into the picture as the newfound adversary of the USA to fightCold War, a war fought without pulling a shot.’There are some typographical errors in ‘Android based RC Charging and Discharging’article published in July issue. In Fig. 1, on page 105, charging time (ST) should be read ascharging time (5T). In the third column, 1000e–6should be read as either 1000E-6 or 1000μ,and the value of Imax should be 0.0003A instead of 0.003A.First Look SectionYou always cover mobiles, camerasand other gadgets in First Look sec-tion. Please include an affordablelaptop in this section.Ismail TaibaniThrough emailEFY:Thanks for the feedback! Wewill try to cover affordable laptops inFirst Look section, as and when aninteresting one is launched.Muscle StimulatorThe ‘Low-Frequency ElectronicMuscle Stimulator’ published in Julyissue is no doubt an interesting onebut I have the following comments:1. This is purely an amateurcircuit. There is no galvanic isola-tion with the output, which is veryunsafe. Practical circuits are complexbut much safer. So a word of cautionshould have been mentioned at theend of the article.2. Transformer X2 should not bea normal transformer and, in thiscase, it heats up excessively after afew minutes of running this circuit,as the frequency it handles is not ACsine-wave. The transformer shouldbe of higher rating, and the core and6OctOber 2015 | electrOnics FOr YOuwinding design should not create anydistortion in output wave form.3. This kind of stimulator maycause harm because output waveshape is unknown.Uttam DuttaAssistant manager,Tata Steel Ltd, JamshedpurThe author K. Murali Krishna replies:Thank you for your interest in thearticle!1. Since this is a simple circuit,galvanic isolation is not considered.Instead of going for isolation trans-formers, you can use a 2x9V batteryin series at TP1 by removing trans-former X1 setup.Practical circuits are more com-plicated, but the difference is that,in place of IC LM555, there will bea programmed IC that produces dif-ferent patterns of rectangular wave-forms and PWM signals of differentcustomised patterns. It can be usedfor medical purposes under medicalsupervision, which is mentioned atthe end of the article.2. As R6 (4.7-kilo-ohm) limits thebase current of T1, a small collec-tor current flows through T1. So X2will not heat up and we can use anormal transformer.3. Use of this circuit under medi-cal supervision is a must. Most elec-trotherapy equipment produce nar-row rectangular pulses. The circuitalso produces narrow rectangularpulses of the order of 70V-90V.EFY Plus DVDThanks for your KTechlab infor-mation included in EFY Plus DVDsection in September 2014 issue! Idownloaded KTechlab from its offi-cial website, but there is no setup or.exe file in the folder. Please help meinstall the same.Prakash BantanurThrough emailEFY:KTechlab does not have any.exe file for installation. It is avail-able mainly for installation on Linuxand Unix-like operating systems(OSes). In order to install the file,you can follow the steps given in‘How to Install KTechlab’ sectionin September 2014 issue. Althoughit is mentioned on many websitesthat nowadays we can find KTechlabversion that is compatible with Win-dows OS, we have been unable tofind one till date.www.eFYmag.cOmQ&AThings YouWanted to Know!BloomQ1.Whatitisbe usedEnergy? Howcanto generatepower?Ashish MulajkarAsst. Prof. (E&TC department)D.Y. Patil School of EngineeringAcademy, PuneBloom Energy, a companybased at Sunnyvale, Califor-nia, USA, was co-founded by K.R.Sridhar, CEO, with a mission to makeclean, reliable energy using fuel-cell technology. Fuel cells convertfuel into electricity through a cleanelectrochemical process rather thancombustion. The best part is that,electricity is generated on the sitewhere it will be used, thereby reduc-ing transmission/distribution lossesand increasing efficiency.Bloom Energy has developed anew energy-efficient and environ-ment-friendly fuel cell known asBloom Box. It is a solid oxide fuelcell. The technology is different thanthat of legacy hydrogen fuel cells inthree ways:Cost of materials.Cost of a cellis low as it uses sand powder, whichis a commonly-available mate-rial, instead of precious metals likeplatinum or corrosive materials likeacids.High electrical efficiency.Con-version of fuel into electricity isdone at nearly twice the rate of othertechnologies. Bloom Energy claimsa conversion efficiency of around 50per cent.Fuel flexibility.It uses a varietyof inputs including traditional fuel,natural gas, biomass gas, landfill gasand ethanol.A fuel cell has three parts: anelectrolyte, an anode and a cath-ode. Thin, white ceramic platesof 100mm×100mm size are made8OctOber 2015 | electrOnics FOr YOuusing components found in beachsand. Each plate is coated with greennickel-oxide based ink on one side,forming the anode, and the otherplate is coated with special black ink(probably lanthanum strontium man-ganite), forming the cathode. Fuelcell plates are shown in the figure.An electrochemical reaction con-verts fuel and air into electricity with-out combustion. A solid oxide fuelA2.A1.Plates of fuel cellscell is a high-temperature fuel cell. Athigh temperature, warmed air entersthe cathode side of the fuel cell andsteam mixes with the fuel to producereformed fuel, which emerges fromthe anode side.The chemical reaction begins inthe fuel cell. As the reformed fuelcrosses the anode, it attracts oxygenions from the cathode. Oxygen ionscombine with the reformed fuel toproduce electricity, water and smallamounts of carbon dioxide. Watergets recycled to produce the steamneeded to reform the fuel. The pro-cess also generates heat required bythe fuel cell.Fuel cells are stacked together toform a module. Modules are com-bined to form a Bloom Energy Server.Each server, packed with thou-sands of fuel cells, produces 200kWof power. For more power, moreenergy servers are added. Eventu-ally, Bloom hopes that a scaled-downversion can be used in homes. Aresidential Bloom Box would produce1kW of power.advantages ofQ2.What are theover Arduino?using AVRWhich out the two is better to use forprojects?E.D. CyindhiaKanyakumari, Tamil NaduAn AVR is an 8-bit RISC micro-controller (MCU), which wasdeveloped by Atmel in 1996. It is adevice that can be regarded as a small(micro) computer as it has all theingredients of a computer such as aprocessor, program and data memoryand ports. When programmed,it performs a specific function(one dedicated task or a set ofclosely-related tasks), and thespecific function is to control(controller) objects, processesor events. For developing anapplication, you need a devel-opment board, IDE and pro-gramming skills.Arduino is an open sourceprototyping platform based oneasy-to-use hardware and software.It is an easy tool for fast prototyping,aimed at students without a back-ground in electronics and program-ming. It has an incredible amount ofaccessible knowledge that can be ofgreat help to novices and experts alike.Arduino boards are able to read inputand process it into output, performinguser-defined tasks. All this is definedby a set of instructions programmedthrough Arduino Software (IDE). Thesoftware is easy-to-use for beginners,yet flexible enough for advanced users.It runs on Mac, Windows and Linux.Briefly, an AVR is an MCU; for it towork, you need a development board,an IDE and programming knowledge,whereas Arduino is a readymade plat-form. With Arduino you can developan application with very little knowl-edge of programming. Arduino alsosimplifies the process of working withMCUs, as it offers some advantagesfor teachers, students and amateursover other systems.Answers compiled by EFY joint director (training), Col.N.C. Pande (Retd). Letters and questions for publica-tion may be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and should includename and address of the senderwww.eFYmag.cOmuseful websitesSolar EnergyPopularity of solar energy as a renewal source of energy is growing each day.Therefore we have a few interesting websites for you this month that could helpyou understand more about solar powerniraj sahayfreesunpower.comThe website provides a good selection of tutorials for setting up a solar power system for producingelectricity from sunlight. The tutorials cover Solar Panels, Charge Controllers, Power Inverters,Storage Batteries, AC Generators, Wires & Cables, Meters & Monitors and a lot more. Completesystem wiring diagram examples plus interactive online design tools are also featured with a point-and-click interface. The site can work as one place to learn and have fun with solar power.www.freesunpower.com/index.phppioneersettler.comPioneer Settler is a place for information and ideas to be shared about homesteading, craftsmanship,and sustainability. The website strives to help people of all experience levels take steps towardshappier, healthier lives. It has good ideas for DIY with solar panels.www.pioneersettler.com/12-best-diy-solar-panel-tutorialsindiagoessolar.comThe website aims to be a one-stop portal for everything on solar energy in India. It provides dailyupdates on the Indian solar market in the form of news, developments, markets and policies,upcoming events and expert opinions. It could help you find the best solar solution for your home,company or farm. The website has content that can enlighten you on what is happening withsolar energy.www.indiagoessolar.com/abouttechon.nikkeibp.co.jpMega Solar Business provides news on what is happening in the field of solar power and alsohas a section on Visit to Plant. This section provides different case studies on mega solar plants.The articles are based on visits to plants, interviews of relevant people and detailed examinationof projects.www.techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/solar-power-plant/newssolarpaneltalk.comThe site is a discussion board on solar panels and solar power products. Currently, the forum hasapproximately 26,200 members with 161,000 posts and 16,800 threads. Anyone interested insolar panels and other related products can register for free and take part in discussions. Topics fordiscussion include solar panel systems on the grid, solar industry, off-grid solar, solar thermal, solarpower lighting, DIY solar panels and other general discussions on solar energy.www.solarpaneltalk.com/forum.php10OctOber 2015 | electrOnics FOr YOuwww.eFYmag.cOm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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