Electronics For You Plus - May 2014, Electronics For You Plus, Electronics For You Plus 2014

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//-->Smartwatches:BloomWhat isTo Buy Energyto Buyor Not3D:SomeHow to Choose theTechniques Usedfor the Third DimensionRight ConnectorHow EDA can helpBuyers’ Guide:HandheldsolveDigitalchallenges in automotiveMultimetersconnectivity`100`50APRIL 2014MAY 2014Vol. 3 No. 1 |ISSN 0013-516X|Pages: 152+8 | UK #5; US $10For YouConveying our Longstanding Focus with aNew Name:Keysight TechnologiesBy Sudhir TangriVice President – Sales, Support and Marketing, Electronic Measurement Group, Agilent Technologiesy now, you’ve probably heard thatAgilent Technologies is spinning off itselectronic measurement business as astandalone company. On January 7, 2014,we announced the name of this company:Keysight Technologies.Between now and November 2014,when we become an independent operation,numerous changes will happen behind thescenes, and some will occur in public for allto see. Even so, there is a traditional sayingthat comes to mind, “The more it changes,the more it stays the same.” While the spinoffand new name signify important and positivechanges for us within the company, little willchange for our customers.That’s an easy promise to make, and itmay raise a few questions in your mind. In theparagraphs that follow, I’ll focus on provid-ing some answers: the meaning embedded inthe new name, the key things that will remainthe same, two positive elements that will bedifferent, and evidence of our ongoingcommitment to customer success.Binsights for 75 years. The first half reinforc-es the meaning embedded in the name, asdescribed above. The second half acknowl-edges our rich heritage, which reaches backto 1939 when Bill Hewlett and Dave Pack-ard started the test-equipment company—Hewlett-Packard—that became Agilent in1999 and will become Keysight later in 2014.The logo, in Keysight Red, is a stylized wave-form that represents our focus on electronicmeasurements.Taken together, these elements pay hom-age to our legacy and signify our ongoingcommitment to customers. The name, logo,tagline and typography are also intended tocapture the spirit of an organization that willbe innovative, insightful and forward-looking.the ability to dependably unlock new insights.To help Keysight customers open those doors,we’re focusing all of our energy and experi-ence on what comes next in test and measure-ment. Our vision is simple: we want to helpKeysight end-users find the right idea at theright time and thereby enable them to bring anew generation of technologies into the world.It’s important to remember that we are acompany built on a history of firsts, dating backEmphasizing the constants,acknowledging two keydifferencesAs noted above, many things will remainthe same once we begin doing businessas Keysight. Foremost, we will still be thetechnology leader in electronic measure-ments. We will also continue to be #1 inthree major market areas: communications(i.e., the wireless data ecosystem); aero-space and defense; and industrial, semicon-ductors and computers.Our product portfolios and roadmapswill remain the same, and we will retain ourwealth of intellectual property, patents andproprietary ASIC designs. In that same vein,our Measurement Research Labs, which sep-arated from Agilent Labs in 2010, will con-tinue to explore the frontiers of test. Finally,we will have the same global footprint withthe largest sales and support team amongtest and measurement vendors.There will be two important differences,but both are exceedingly positive. First, theentire company will be 100 percent focusedon electronic measurements and the suc-cess of our customers. Second, that clearfocus ensures that the top opportunities inelectronic measurements will also be the toppriorities for the company.Giving meaning to the nameAs you may know, the process of creatinga name can be quite difficult. Although weexperienced a few resets along the way, wekept at it until we had a name that clearlyreflected the value we strive to deliver to ourcustomers.The meaning embedded in Keysightcomes from two English words: “key” and“insight.”to the days of Hewlett and Packard workingin the garage on Addison Street in Palo Alto,California. Our firsts began with U.S. patentnumber 2,268,872 for a “variable-frequencyoscillation generator.”Appropriately, the heart of Bill Hewlett’sdesign was a light bulb, which is often usedto symbolize a new idea. In this case, the lightbulb served as a temperature-dependent re-sistor in the feedback loop of a Wien-bridgeoscillator. It was the first of countless ideas—elegant, effective and innovative—that haveblossomed in the minds of our R&D engineers.Looking aheadFor us, the torch is being passed onceagain: first from HP to Agilent and next fromAgilent to Keysight. Continuing our 75-yearlegacy, our goal is to spark a new generationof insights and “Eureka!” moments.Those of us who will be part of Keysightare energized by the opportunity to focus onour passion for electronic measurements. Wederive the greatest satisfaction when that pas-sion translates into new insights, new discov-eries and new breakthroughs for our custom-ers. We look forward to helping them unlocktheir next measurement insights.On its own, “key” has two relevant mean-ings: indispensable or essential, and ameans of access. Next, “insight” is thepower of seeing as well as possessing vi-sion and perception. When combined asKeysight, this coined word connotes theability to offer essential insights that help ourcustomers understand and unlock the changingtechnology landscapes they face.Our corporate signature includes twomore elements that help tell the story: thetagline and the logo. As shown in the fig-ure, our tagline is “Unlocking measurementReaffirming our commi-ment to customersStating the obvious, our ongoingsuccess depends on the success of ourcustomers—and their success comes from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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