Elf Quest The Mage in the Mirror, Hero Quest

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These potions may be purchased only between Quests.
Potion of Recall
Potion of Vision
Cost: 400 Gold Coins
Any Elf who drinks this greenish
mixture regains a spell which was cast
earlier during the current Quest.
Choose wisely which spell to recall!
Cost: 500 Gold Coins
Drinking the contests of this clear bottle
enables an Elf to see all secret doors and
regular traps (coded in Gold on Quest Map)
within his line of sight. This effect lasts until
the Elf suffers at least 1 Body Point of damage.
Potion of Speed
Potion of Restoration
Cost: 500 Gold Coins
When an Elf drinks this syrupy brew,
he can move up to 12 squares per turn
instead of rolling 2d6. The Elf also
gets 2 attacks per turn. These effects
end as soon as the Elf suffers at least 1
Body Point of damage.
Cost: 800 Gold Coins
This refreshing concoction restores
any Hero’s Body and Mind Points to
the level they were at when the Hero
started the Quest. This potion may
also be used to cure a Hero who as
been turned into a Werewolf.
Three of the above potions can be used only by the Elf.
Different potions may also be purchased from the
Alchemist’s Shop in other Quest Packs.
The Quest Pack for the Elf
The adventure continues! The Quest Pack for the Elf is an expansion
set used with your original Hero Quest Game System. You must have
the Game System in order to play the adventures in this booklet.
New Components:
Monster Assembly
Plastic Figures: 1 Female Elf, 1 Elven Archmage, 2 Elven Warriors,
2 Elven Archers, 3 Giant Wolves, 4 Ogres; 30 Game Cards, Cardboard
Tile Sheet.
The Archmage and Ogres Require assembly before they can be used.
Assemble these monsters as shown below.
Cardboard tile sheet includes:
1 Iron Door 4 Pit Trap Tiles
1 Wooden Door 3 Long Pit Trap Tiles
4 Portcullis Tiles 4 Wolf Tokens
2 Mirror Tiles 4 Weapons Pack Tiles
1 Sky Orb Tile 1 Moonsilver Flask Tile
4 Sky Orb Tokens 1 Brass Key Tile
14 Skull Tiles 1 Prospector Tile
2 Trap Door Tiles 1 Princess Millandriell Tile
4 Secret Door Tiles 1 Inner Sanctum Room
6 Blocked Square Tiles 1 Inner Sanctum Wall
3 Double Blocked Square Tiles 1 Quicksand Room
1 Spiral Stairway Tile
Take the front half of the Ogre and place
the left and right arms into the shoulder
sockets. Next, push the back of the Ogre
into place, squeezing firmly. Finally,
push the Ogre’s head into its socket.
All cardboard components should be carefully removed from the
cardboard sheet. The plastic figures should be removed from their
runners. Discard waste cardboard and plastic. New game
components are described at right and on the following pages.
New Monsters
To learn more about the new monster figures, see the
monster cards in this Quest Pack, as well as the Monster
Chart at the back of this book.
Note: The cardboard tiles listed above are two-sided. The front and
back of many tiles are different.
Note: The new cardboard components are shown here and on
the following pages. Next to most components is a matching
Quest Map symbol. These symbols appear on each map to show
you where to place components on the gameboard. For example,
the Iron Entrance door shown below is represented on the Quest
Map by the symbol shown to the right of the door.
Iron Entrance Door
This iron door is placed on the edge of the
gameboard in many of the Quests. Heroes
line up outside the door to begin these
Quests. In some Quests, this door also
serves as an exit door.
These symbols are also the exact size needed for the blank
“create your own” Quest Map provided in the Game System
Quest Book. All you have to do is photocopy the symbols and
cut them out.
Wooden Exit Door
In many Quests, this special
wooden door is used to exit the
gameboard at the end of the
Door Assembly
Take 2 plastic door stands from the Game
System. The 2 new doors in this Quest Pack
should be fitted into the bases as shown.
These doors are described above right.
Trap Doors
The two trap doors link
apparently unconnected
rooms via an unseen tunnel.
When a Hero or monster
steps on a trap door square,
he moves instantly to the
other trap door square.
Sky Orb and Sky Orb Tokens
This artifact is a mystical crystal
orb that protects the Hero who is
carrying it from Mind Point
damage. It can absorb up to 4
Mind Points of damage before it
becomes useless. When a Hero
finds the Sky Orb, he takes it and
the 4 Sky Orb tokens. Whenever
the Hero suffers Mind Point
damage, he gives up one Sky Orb
token for each Mind Point of
damage. (Give up the token with 4
points of light first, then the one
with 3 points, etc.) When a Hero
has no more tokens, the Sky Orb is
Inner Sanctum and Sanctum Wall
This room is the Archmage Sinestra’s
center of power, the room from which
she commands her minions to carry
out her evil plans. The walls should be
erected at the back of the sanctum, as
shown below.
These stand-up mirrors are secret
portals that lead to great treasure
and hidden rooms. Fit these into
the plastic door stands from the
Game System when they are
called for in a Quest.
When a Hero has opened the appropriate door, place the sanctum room and
wall on the gameboard as shown.
This area contains a bottomless pit filled with quicksand that
threatens to suck in careless or unlucky Heroes.
Long Pit Trap
If a Hero wants to jump over this pit the long way, he must have at
least 3 squares of movement left after he moves next to the pit. The
Hero then rolls 1 Combat Die. A Black Shield means the Hero has
jumped across safely, using up 3 squares of movement. The Hero can
continue to move if he has more movement left. Any result other
than a Black Shield means the Hero falls into the pit suffering 2 Body
Points of damage. The Hero must roll a 5 or 6 on 1d6 on a
subsequent turn to climb out of the pit. While in the pit, the Hero
rolls 1 less Combat Die when attacking or defending (but never less
than 1 die).
Note: These traps can be jumped the short way, the same as regular
pit traps.
Moonsilver Flask
The glittering silver liquid in this flask is
the only means of opening a mirror entry
into the Realm of Reflection, where
Princess Millandriell is held captive. Only
the Prospector can identify true
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