Elixir of Beauty, Hero Quest

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Elixir of Beauty
Quest By: Sergio Cuevas
Elixir of Beauty
Group Quest
“Miss Evelayne, Sir Ragnar's wife-to-be, was kidnapped the outside the kingdom, has taken her prisoner and is slowly
night before the wedding. Ancient tomes describe the main bleeding her to death. Sir Ragnar has promised to pay each
ingredient for an Elixir of Beauty to be the blood of a virgin. of you 500 Gold Coins if you rescue his beloved and another
It is rumoured that Halveig, a dreadful hag who resides just 500 Gold Coins if you destroy Halveig the hag.”
These doors are open. Once a Hero passes through a
If a Hero searches for treasure, he will find the tome of
doorway it will shut. A closed door may not be passed
everlasting life and beauty. The book is opened to a page
that reads: "The virgin's blood must be drained a night
before her wedding day in order for it to be most prolific."
This trap door will not be found unless a Hero searches for
Apparently, the rumours are true. Halveig plans to use Miss
secret doors. This trap door leads to a similar door in
Evalayne's pure blood for her own devious ends.
another room.
If a Hero searches for treasure, they will find the following:
This secret door is special. It may be found, but will not
a bronze key, a flask with green liquid, and two (2) Potions
open until all of the doors in room “A” are shut. If a Hero
of Healing. The healing potions will restore up to 4 Body
searches for secret doors and the doors in room “A” are
Points if consumed. Do not tell the Hero what the green
open, tell them, "You have found a secret door but are
liquid is at this time. If they drink the liquid, it will taste
unable to open it." When the doors in room “A” are closed,
sweet and cause the Hero to temporarily turn invisible.
the Heroes may pass through this secret door. When the
Heroes and monsters will not see him for four (4) turns. An
Heroes pass through the secret door, open all of the doors in
invisible Hero is able to perform any action (as if he were
room “A”.
visible), but he cannot be attacked, or be the target of spells.
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
This is Halveig's throne room. Use the Chaos Warlock
There is a locked treasure chest in this room. The bronze
figure to represent Halveig and place her on the square
key in room “E” is the only key capable of opening it. If a
marked “X”. Place one (1) fimir in front of each door beside
Hero searches for treasure, they will find the ingredients for
the throne. Note: these doors are locked, but do not tell the
the Elixir of Beauty: chamomile flowers, two (2) pearls
Heroes until they have attempted to open the doors. Halveig
(valued at 500 Gold Coins each), a peacock feather, and a
is a horrendous hag with gray hair and black talon-like
single white rose.
claws. She has the ability to cast nine (9) Chaos spells and is
extremely powerful. Her stats are as follows:
This is the cell where Miss Evalayne lies near death on the
floor. Use the Chaos Warlock figure to represent Miss
Evalayne. (Heroes cannot search for treasure in the cell.)
She is unconscious and may not move, attack, or defend.
Movement Attack Defend
Chaos spells:
Ball of Flame
Cloud of Chaos
She has one (1) Body Point left and must be carried out of
Lightning Bolt
Summon Undead
the dungeon in order to collect the reward. Any Hero with
six (6) or more starting Body Points (i.e. Barbarian, Dwarf,
and Elf) may carry her, but rolls one (1) Red Die to move
Once Halveig is defeated, a Hero searching for treasure will
and may not attack, or defend. Once Miss Evalayne has
find a gold key in her pocket. This gold key will open both
reached the safety of the stairs, the Quest is complete.
doors beside the throne.
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of Hasbro,
©2009, in association with Games Workshop ©1988-1993. All rights reserved. Use of its theme and images in
this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This document is made available
exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or part, for profit.
Maps & Icons generated with HeroScribe
Special Thanks to:
Quest written by
© 2002
Re-created with limited permission
This file is permitted to be hosted
at the following website(s):
Agin’s Inn
Sergio Cuevas
Sergio Cuevas
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