Elementary Armenian Grammar, ormiański

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//-->Chapter 1PHONETICSSection 1In the Armenian language there are six vowel sounds, which represent the following eight letters (ա,ե, է, ը, ի,ո, օ, ու)..The reformed spelling is used in the Republic of Armenia and Karabach. The reform was done under Sovietrule and is not followed by other Eastern Armenian speaking communities, like the Armenians of Iran, nor byWestern Armenians. They all use the classic spelling. (Please move this discussion, too much detail for anintroductory section.)Section 3The vowelԱ, աin any position is pronounced like the English a(rmy), e.g.,Արամ(Aram) - Aram,աշուն(ashun) - autumn,�½ար(sar) - mountain,տարի(tari) - year,կանաչ(kanach) - green,նա(na) - he/she.Նա նկարում է մատիտով:Na nkarum e matitov.He/She draws with a pencil.Note: while pronouncing the auxiliary verbէ(e) it combines with the previous word and is never stressed.Ex. 1Read aloud the following English and their corresponding Armenian words.արմarmպարկparkmassageմա�½�½աժAlohaԱլոհաEx. 2Read and memorize the following words.անուն(anun)nameազգանուն(azganun) surnameազատ(azat)freeա�½ել(asel)to sayտալ(tal)to giveլավ(lav)goodպատ(pat)wallնամակ(namak)letterդա�½արան(dasaran) classroomդա�½(das)lessonSection 4VowelՕ, օin any position is pronounced like the English o(r). The sound o in the beginning of the word isreproduced by the letter o, e.g.,օր(or) - day,օպերա(opera) - opera,օրգան(organ) - organ,օրինակ(orinak) - example, etc., and in the middle and in the end of the word by the letterո,e.g.,բոլոր(bolor) - all,�½ովորել(sovorel) - to study,խոտ(khot) - grass,օգո�½տո�½(ogostos) - august, etc. Letterոin the beginningof a word is read likeվո(vo), i.e., it designates two sounds, e.g.,ո�½կի(voski) - gold,որ�½(vors) - hunting,որակ(vorak) - quality, etc. Exception makes the wordով(who) where the letterոis read likeօ.Բոլորը որոշել են �½ովորել օտար լեզուներ:Bolore voroshel en sovorel otar lezuner.Everybody decided to learn foreign languages.Note: In the middle of the word the letter o is written only in derivative words, e.g.,այ�½օր(aysor) - today,անօգտակար(anogtakar) - useless.Ex. 3Read the following words and notice the difference between pronunciation of lettersօandո.օրիորդ- maidօպերա- operaօրգանիզմ- organismօր- dayօտար- foreignօրինակ- exampleօրորոց-cradleոտ- legո�½կի- goldորոշել- to decideոչինչ- nothingո�½ոխ- enemyոր�½որդ- hunterորոնել- tolook forEx. 4Copy out the following words inserting the missing lettersոorօ.գ__վելto praiseդ__կտ__րdoctorլ__բիbean__վwhoկ__վcow__չինչnothingրտեղwhere__դairն__րnewերեկ__evening__րday__ր__րել to rock to sleep__ժանդակ auxiliary__տարforeignSection 5Vowelուis pronounced like the English u (puma), e.g.,ուժ(uzh) - strength,տուն(tun) - house,գարուն(garun) - spring,կատու(katu) - cat, etc.Գարունը մոտենում է:Garune motenum e.Spring is coming.Ex. 5Read aloud the English and corresponding Armenian words.Course -կուր�½Uzbek -ուզբեկUkraine -ՈւկրաինաPushkin -ՊուշկինEx. 6Read and remember the following words.ունենալ- to haveուրիշ- anotherուրախ- gladանուն- nameաշուն- autumnգարուն- springու�½ում- studyդու- youանա�½ուն- animalշուն- dogSection 6Vowelիcorresponds to the English e(vening), e.g.,իմանալ(imanal) to know,իմա�½տ(imast) - meaning,գինի(gini) - wine,�½իրտ(sirt) - heart,�½իրել(sirel) - to love, etc.Գինին կարմիր է:Ginin karmir e.Wine is red.Ex. 7Read and remember the following words.բարի- kind�½իրելի- lovelyտարի- yearկարմիր- redիմանալ- to knowմիշտ- alwaysխիտ- thickգարի- barleySection 7Vowelէis pronounced like the English e(verybody). This sound is reproduced by the letterէat the beginningof a word, e.g.,էտապ(etap) - stage,էլի(eli) - again,էգուց(eguts) - tomorrow. In the middle and at the endof a word it is normally written by means of the letterե,e.g.,մեկ(mek) - one,բերել(berel) - to bring,�½եր(ser) - love,ուտել(utel) - to eat,բազե(baze) - falcon, etc. Letterեat the beginning of a word is always readlike ye, i.e., like two sounds, e.g.,Երեվան(Yerevan) - Yerevan,երեխա(yerekha) - child,ե�½(yes) - I,երեկ(yerek) - yesterday,երկիր(yerkir) - country, etc.Երկու երեխա եկան տուն:Yerku yerekha yekan tun.Two children came home.The personal forms of the present tense ofլինել(to be) are an exception:եմ(em) -(I) am,ե�½(es) - (you) are,ենք(enk) - (we) are,եք(ek) - (you) are (pl.),են(en) - (they) are.Note: In the middle and at the end of wordsէis written only in derivative words, e.g.,ամենաէական(themost important),որեւէ(some).Ex. 8.Read and explain similarities and differences of pronunciation ofէandե.էժան- cheapէշ- assէկրան- screenէլեկտրոն- electronերկիր- countryերկար- longերկու- twoերե�½ուն- thirtyերե�½- face====Ex. 9==== Read and remember howեis pronounced at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of aword.երեխա- childերե�½- faceերեկո- eveningերկաթ- ironերկարել- to prolongբազե- falconՄանե- Maneեզ- oxերազ- dreamEx. 10Copy out the following words inserting the missingե.մ__ր- our [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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