Electronics For You Plus - May 2016, Electronics For You Plus, Electronics For You Plus 2016

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//-->May2016VOl.05| nO.01issn-2454-4426Editor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.nEwSStanddiStribution: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ph: 011-40596600E-mail: efycirc@efy.inContentsRealNowalitysehingual Rt of T• VirternetIntr• Therepodiod RaFi anulesg Wi-Modin• BuyuencyFreqNexteIssuTechFOCus40Hard drivesAre dead –Or Are They?62Buyers’Guide3d PrintersCosting under`100,00016SensorsDo-It-YourselfA Guide To Smoke Detectors And Fire Alarms22Cloud ComputingHow Cloud Based Radio Access NetworksCan Solve Operators’ ProblemsadvErtiSEmEntSnEw dElhi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(hEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbai: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 08800295610, 09870682995E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.com28For Your PetDog-E-tronics For Dog Lovers To SimplifyLife And Provide SecuritybEngaluru34Defence ElectronicsDirected Energy Weapons: Particle BeamWeapons Technology (Part 2 of 8)punEgujarat:48InnovationBeaming Internet From Space ThroughAstrome82848991949699101105Fastest Finger First System Using Raspberry PiDriving A Wireless Robotic Car Using IR SensorsElectronic Thermostat For FridgeUniversal Power SupplyChild monitoring CircuitSimple Low-Cost Visitors CounterA Guide To Model RocketryNetwork Troubleshooting Using Packet Sniffer WiresharkMATLAB Based Graphical User Interface For DigitalImage WatermarkingChinajapan52Test & MeasurementDigital Signals, Upgradability And UHD TVDriving Audio-Visual TestingEFY PlusDVDGet Set To Start Coding With Arduino ......................... IMake FPGA Based Wonders With Papilio Boards ...... IVWiring: Open Source Platform For Microcontrollers.. VIIRegulars060810127079108112124128129FeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsFirst LookBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index + Attractions During 2016Advertisers’ IndexSingaporE58EmbeddedMedia Processors: Maximising Performance,Minimising PowertaiwanunitEd StatES66EFY Plus DVDIgnite Your Passion For DIY With This DVDprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at internationalprint-o-pack ltd, C-4 to C-11, hosiery Complex, phase-ii Extension, noida-201305,gautam budh nagar, uttar pradesh, on the first day of each month and publishedfrom d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright 2016.all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material fromthis magazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher isprohibited. although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibilitywhatsoever is taken for any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannotbe used are returned to the authors if accompanied by a self-addressed andsufficiently stamped envelope. but no responsibility is taken for any loss or delay inreturning the material. EfY will not be responsible for any wrong claims made byan advertiser. disputes, if any, will be settled in a new delhi court only.75Make in India110eStyleMarket Survey: How Far Will 3D Printing GoBuyers’ Guide: Activity Tracker Fit For YouInterviewsSUBSCRIPTION RATESPeriod Newstand PriceYear(`)two2400one1200You Pay(`)1800960Digital(`)750280OverseasDigital PrintuS$ 15—uS$ 5 uS$ 12068inTerneT OF THinGs:“Most important thing in ioT deployment isthe last mile” —Vinay Prasad, co-founder and—Girish shambhanna head of system integrationtechnology (siT) & r&d, telematics4udirector, telematics4u69FACTOry AuTOMATiOn:“in india, the challenge is not always aboutconnecting the factory” —niraj Tyagi, head, center—Hemant J. Patil, lead, center of excellence –of excellence – manufacturing, Tata Technologiesmanufacturing execution systems, Tata Technologiesplease send payments only in favour ofEFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd4May 2016 | ElEctronics For you pluswww.EFyMag.coMFeedbackYour suggestionsEFY DVDIn EFY+ DVD section on page 66 ofMarch issue, the Arduino IDE 1.7.5mentioned seems to be wrong. The lat-est Arduino version is 1.6.8 only.Raju P Abraham.Palakkad, KeralaEFY.Version 1.7.5 can be seen onhttp://www.arduino.org/ and the differ-ence between it and version 1.6.8 canbe checked on http://arduino.stackex-change.com/questions/11824/difference-between-arduino-cc-and-arduino-orgThe author Fayaz Hasan replies:I used strip connectors for CON1 andCON3, burg strip with 3-wire F/Ffor CON2 (PIR) and 2-wire relimateconnector for transformer X1. But,to use on PCB, you can use 3-pinrelimate connectors for CON1 andCON3, burg strip for CON2 (PIR) andeither burg strip or relimate of 2-pinconnector for X1. All have 2.54mm(0.1-inch) pitch to suit the PCB. Tosimplify the 230V AC connections,you can control only the phase orline L through relay RL1 and directlyconnect neutral N (and earth, if any)to the load.USB CONTROLLED POWERIn ‘Automatic USB Controlled PowerSwitch’ DIY article published inNovember 2015 issue, I did not getthe exact output. Is LED TV essentialfor this project, or any other devicewill do?Sachin KurianThrough emailThe author Ajith Kumar replies:You can use this circuit to control anydevice having a USB output socketsuch as laptop, set-top-box, hometheatre, etc.MOTION DETECTORRegarding ‘Motion Detector UsingNE555 Timer’ circuit published inAugust 2015 issue, can you help mewith the equation for the monostableused in this circuit: How ‘R’ and ‘C’are related with the time?AnjaliThrough emailThe author Kumar Abhishek replies:The equation for the time period ofmonostable circuit is given by:Time (τ) = 1.1(R×C)whereτis time in seconds, R is resist-ance in ohms and C is capacitance inFarads.Here, R is connected to the 7thpin of NE555. The actual time may besomewhat different from the calculatedvalue due to the tolerances in the val-ues of the components.From FaCEbookEFY’s ElectronicsDesign CommunityNice to see ‘What Drives PowerConversion Components’ article inmarch edition. Very relevant article forall the electronics engineers in my list!Ganesh ShankarEFY.Thanks for the feedback!CAR BATTERIESIn ‘Device for Maintaining Car Batter-ies’ DIY article published in August2015 issue, I have doubts in the use ofIC 7805, a 5V voltage regulator, whenthe output of the circuit required isabout 15.5V.Sang NguyenThrough emailThe author Petre Tzv Petrov replies:In this circuit, 7805 works as a cur-rent generator and not in its classicalapplication of series regulator with 5Voutput between the output of the regu-lator and the ground of the circuit.Please see the data sheet of 7805.The output current of IC1 is set withR2, R3 and R4. The output voltageover the battery 1 (BATT.1) is limitedby the series network of LED1, ZD1and ZD2. You can use any appropri-ate combination of LEDs, diodes,Schottky diodes and Zener diodesto limit the output voltage to therequired value. The circuit works wellafter proper montage is done.www.EFyMag.coM‘Spot An Error’AWARD WinnersIn ‘4-Channel Multi-Mode AudioAmplifier’ DIY article published in Marchissue, in Fig. 4, capacitors C9-C12 andC15-C18 should be 2200µF, 25V and2200µF, 35V respectively as shown inFig. 1 and parts list.Tanmay DasguptaIn ‘Vibration-Activated Smart CRO Probe’DIY article published in March issue,the live (L) and neutral (N) points arewrongly mentioned in the componentlayout. Switch S1 is wrongly mentionedin the parts list as SPDT switch insteadof SPST switch.SamiuddhinPOWER SAVERI am interested in ‘Infrared SensorBased Power Saver’ DIY article pub-lished in March issue. What type ofconnectors are used in the PCB?Shruti ChoudharyThrough email6May 2016 | ElEctronics For youThings You WanTed To KnoW!Q&AQues.HOW IS LED DRIVERDIFFERENT FROM SMPSAND IGBT FROM MOSFET?HOW TO TEST AN IGBTUSING MULTIMETER?Abhijit DasguptaAns.LEDs work most efficientlyand safest with a constant-currentdrive. As a result, many new deviceshave been developed to providethis type of LED drive. LED powersources that provide a constant-current output have typically beenreferred to as LED drivers.An LED driver responds to thechanging needs of the LED, or LEDcircuit, by providing a constantquantity of power to the LED as itselectrical properties change withtemperature. An LED driver is aself-contained power supply, whichhas outputs that are matched to theelectrical characteristics of the LEDor LEDs.LED drivers may offer dimmingby means of pulse width modulationcircuits and may have more thanone channel for separate control ofdifferent LEDs or LED arrays. Thepower level of the LED is main-tained constant by the LED driveras the electrical properties changethroughout the temperature increas-es and decreases seen by the LEDor LEDs. Without the proper driver,the LED may become too hot andunstable, causing poor performanceor failure.A conventional SMPS providesan output that is regulated to givea constant voltage. If your LED ap-plications are just for experimenting,you may use an SMPS and controlthe current by limiting resistors inseries to the LEDs.You may refer to the followinglinks for details:8May 2016 | ElEctronics For youhttp://power-topics.blogspot.in/2011/08/what-type-of-led-driver-or-power-supply.htmlhttp://www.edaboard.com/thread157546.htmlDifferences between IGBT andMOSFET are many. Some of theseare:1.Although both IGBT andMOSFET are voltage-controlled de-vices, IGBT has BJT-like conductioncharacteristics.2. Terminals of IGBT are knownas emitter, collector and gate,whereas MOSFET has gate, sourceand drain.3. IGBTs are better in powerhandling than MOSFETs.4. IGBT has PN junctions;MOSFET does not have these. It is aphysical characteristic which affectsthe working function.5. IGBT has a lower forwardvoltage drop compared to MOSFET.6. MOSFETs have higher switch-ing frequencies and hence these areprefered over IGBTs in power sup-plies like SMPS.For details please refer to the fol-lowing links:http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-igbt-and-vs-mosfet/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOSFET#/media/File:MOSFET_func-tioning_body.svghttp://electronicdesign.com/pow-er/what-s-difference-between-igbts-and-high-voltage-power-mosfetsTo test an IGBT with a multi-meter, the meter should be usedin diode-checking mode. It shouldhave battery voltage of less than20V (a typical unit using 9V batteryis alright).To test collector-emitter junction:1. With the module out ofcircuit, remove the conductive foamand short the gate to emitter.2. With multimeter in diode-checkmode, the collector to emitter shouldgive a normal diode reading withpositive on the emitter and negativeon the collector.3. The multimeter should readopen or infinite with positive on thecollector and negative on the emitter.Damaged IGBTs may test as shortedin both positive and negative direc-tions, open in both directions, orresistive in both directions.For gate oxide test: With multim-eter in resistance mode, the resistancefrom gate to collector and gate toemitter should be infinite on a gooddevice. A damaged device may appearshorted or have resistive leakage fromgate to collector and/or emitter.For details please check:https://www.galco.com/circuit/igbt_testing.htmQ2.WHY DO WE USE ACOMMON GROUND TRACKFOR ALL THE PERIPHERALCONNECTORS OF A PC?A. SamiuddhinA2.All ground connections of a PC’speripherals are made directly to theground plane of an SMPS PCB to pre-vent ground loops. Loops can producelarge amounts of radiated emission,which is unsuitable for electromag-netic compatibility. So we use a com-mon ground track for all peripheralconnectors instead of using more thanone ground wire.For more information on the sub-ject please check:http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/AND8301-D.PDFAnswers compiled by EFY senior application engineer,Nidhi Kathuria. Letters and questions for publicationmay be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and should includename and address of the senderwww.EFyMag.coMUsefUlWebsites3D MODELLINGEvery hobbyist needs a 3D modelling tool to create a 3D model of the object he or she isdreaming of. This month we introduce some of the websites that will help you learn andexplore your skills in this fieldCompiled bynira j sahaydigitaltutors.comThis website offers a widerange of tutorials to sharpenyour skills. It helps you to learnpowerful 3D modelling software,techniques and workflows tocreate your own characters andassets. You can watch videotutorials and get training fromcreative professionals and growyour modelling knowledge.http://www.digitaltutors.com/subject/3d-modeling-tutorialsblender.orghongkiat.comThe process of creating 3Dgraphics can be dividedinto three basic phases: 3Dmodelling, 3D animation and3D rendering. The website,hongkiat.com, has a listof 20+ free 3D modellingapplications you should notmiss. The list includes nearlyall open source applicationsavailable for 3D modelling. Ithas a short description of theapplication, which has beenhyperlinked to home page ofthe application.http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/25-free-3d-modelling-applications-you-should-not-miss/Blender is a free open source 3Dcontent-creation suite, availablefor all major operating systemsunder the GNU general publiclicence. The site, blender.org, hasa dedicated section for tutorialsand help. It includes tutorials,user manual, Python scriptingand support forums. The tutorialsection includes ever-increasinglist of the Blender tutorialsranging from Getting Started toModelling, Animation, Lighting,Rendering and Compositing. Thetutorial, maintained by JonathanWilliamson and Andrew Price,gives details on how to submityour own tutorials, too.http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/tinkercad.comTinkercad is a simple, online 3Ddesign and 3D printing tool for themasses. Whether you are a designer,hobbyist, teacher or a kid, youcan use Tinkercad to make toys,prototypes, home décor items, mine-craft models or jewellery. Tinkercadis free to use, so anyone can checkand start using it.https://www.tinkercad.com/free3dtutorials.comhttp://www.free3dtutorials.com/The site is one of the most popular3D tutorial sites on the web. It hasthe best free tutorials availableonline. The developers of the siteaim to make it a valuable site for 3Dartists. The website not only providesopportunity to learn but also letsyou share your expertise with thecommunity. For more informationabout how to share your tutorialplease visit its About Us section.10May 2016 | ElEctronics For youwww.EFyMag.coM [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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