Eldridge - American Culture in the 1930s, anthropology, sociology, culture etc

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T W E N T I E T H - C E N T U R Y A M E R I C A N C U L T U R E
American Culture
in the
David Eldridge
American Culture in the 1930s
 Twentieth-Century American Culture
Series editor: Martin Halliwell, University of Leicester
This series provides accessible but challenging studies of American culture in
the twentieth century. Each title covers a specific decade and offers a clear
overview of its dominant cultural forms and influential texts, discussing their
historical impact and cultural legacy. Collectively the series reframes the
notion of ‘decade studies’ through the prism of cultural production and
rethinks the ways in which decades are usually periodized. Broad contextual
approaches to the particular decade are combined with focused case studies,
dealing with themes of modernity, commerce, freedom, power, resistance,
community, race, class, gender, sexuality, internationalism, technology, war
and popular culture.
American Culture in the 1910s
Mark Whalan
American Culture in the 1920s
Susan Currell
American Culture in the 1930s
David Eldridge
American Culture in the 1940s
Jacqueline Foertsch
American Culture in the 1950s
Martin Halliwell
American Culture in the 1960s
Sharon Monteith
American Culture in the 1970s
Will Kaufman
American Culture in the 1980s
Graham Thompson
American Culture in the 1990s
Colin Harrison
 American Culture in the 1930s
David Eldridge
Edinburgh University Press
 © David Eldridge, 2008
Edinburgh University Press Ltd
22 George Square, Edinburgh
Typeset in 11/13 pt Stempel Garamond by
Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and
printed and bound in Great Britain by
CPI Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wilts
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 0 7486 2258 0 (hardback)
ISBN 978 0 7486 2259 7 (paperback)
The right of David Eldridge to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Published with the support of the Edinburgh University Scholarly Publishing Initiatives Fund.
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