Emanuel Swedenborg - The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love, @Spirituality

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The Delights of Wisdom
Pertaining to
Conjugial Love
After which follow the pleasures
of insanity pertaining to
promiscuous love
Translated from the Original Latin by
Samuel M. Warren
Revised and Edited by
Louis H. Tafel
West Chester, Pennsylvania
© 2009 Swedenborg Foundation
This version was compiled from electronic files of the
Standard Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg as
further edited by William Ross Woofenden. Pagination of
this PDF document does not match that of the
corresponding printed volumes, and any page references
within this text may not be accurate. However, most if not
all of the numerical references herein are not to page
numbers but to Swedenborg’s section numbers, which are
not affected by changes in pagination. If this work appears
both separately and as part of a larger volume file, its
pagination follows that of the larger volume in both cases.
This version has not been proofed against the original, and
occasional errors in conversion may remain. To purchase the
full set of the Redesigned Standard Edition of Emanuel
Swedenborg’s works, or the available volumes of the latest
translation (the New Century Edition of the Works of
Emanuel Swedenborg), contact the Swedenborg Foundation
at 1-800-355-3222,
, or 320 North
Church Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380.
Editor’s Preface
Part 1: The Wisdom of Conjugial Love
Joys of Heaven and a Wedding There (n. 1–26)
Marriages in Heaven (27–44)
Married Partners after Death (45–56)
Love Truly Conjugial (57–82)
On the Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage of Good and
Truth (83–115)
Marriage of the Lord and the Church, and Its Correspondence
The Chaste and the Unchaste (138–155a)
On the Conjunction of Souls and Minds by Marriage (156a–183)
Change of State of Life by Marriage with Men and Women
General Concepts about Marriage (209–233)
Causes of Coldness, Separation, and Divorce in Marriage
Causes of Apparent Love, Friendship, and Goodwill in Marriage
Concerning Betrothals and Weddings (295–316)
Remarriage (317–331)
Polygamy (332–356)
Jealousy (357–384)
Conjunction of Conjugial Love with the Love of Infants (385–422)
Part 2: The Insanity of Promiscuous Love
Opposition of Promiscuous Love and Conjugial Love (423–444)
Fornication (444a–461)
Taking a Mistress (426–477)
Adulteries and Their Kinds and Degrees (478–500)
Lust for Defloration (501–505)
Lust for Variety (506–510)
Lust for Rape (511–512)
Lust to Seduce Innocent Women (513–514)
Correspondence of Promiscuities with the Violation of Spiritual
Marriage (515–522)
Imputation of Each Love, Promiscuous and Conjugial (523–535)
Index to Memorable Relations
Index of Scripture Passages
General Index
Editor’s Preface
All of the theological works of Swedenborg from 1749 through
1766 were published anonymously. This work,
Conjugial Love,
the first to have the author’s name on the title page. At the back of
the volume he appended a list of “theological works hitherto
published by me.” This list has been omitted in most English
editions to date.
This present edition was first translated from the Latin by Samuel
Warren for the Rotch edition of Swedenborg’s works and
published as
Marriage Love.
Warren’s text was later revised by Louis
Tafel and published as
Conjugial Love
. The text of the
Warren/Tafel version was electronically scanned from the
Swedenborg Foundation’s Standard Edition. This has allowed the
book to be completely redesigned and set in a new and more
readable typeface. Certain stylistic changes have also been
introduced. These include modernized spelling and punctuation as
well as the substitution of new words for terms whose meanings
have become obscure or have changed since the nineteenth century.
Arabic numerals have replaced roman numerals in Bible passages,
and certain capitalized words, including pronouns referring to God,
have been lowercased to reflect contemporary usage. All these
changes have been carefully made in order to make the book easier
to read and use while preserving the dignity and power of the
original Latin. On the whole, however, the Warren/Tafel
translation has not been materially altered.
A word needs to be said about the translation of the Scripture
passages in this work, some of which Swedenborg translated from
biblical Hebrew and Greek, others of which he cited from Latin
bibles in his personal library. The reader will note that the archaic
language of the 1611 King James Bible, commonly called the
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