Electronics For You Plus - January 2015, Electronics For You Plus 2015

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//-->electronics for you Plus | January 2015 | Vol. 3 no. 9contentsTEchnoLogy FocuSInternet of Things and BigData: Predict and ChangeThe FutureEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02BuyERS’ guIdE30202440465256606871Is Application KnowledgeEnough to Buy the RightProgrammable Power Supply34advErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 020-40147882E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.comBlue Brain: World’s First Virtual BrainFuturisticLightingDo-IT-YoursElFCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEgujarat:Physics Nobel Prize 2014 for LEDsas Future Lighting DevicesTech FocusEmbeddedSecurityInternet of Things, Made in IndiaCHina• Wireless Gesture-Controlled Robot ....................84• Current-Control Circuit for LED Lighting .............88• Crystal-Locked Medium-Wave Transmitter .........90• Low-Cost 6-Bit DAC ............................................92• Illuminated Optical Magnifier ..............................94.• Capturing Images with USB Camera,Wi-Fi and Raspberry Pi .......................................96• Live-Colour Detection Using MATLAB ..............102japanSingaporEToday’s M2M Solutions AccelerateYour IoT Design’s Time-to-MarkettaiwanunitEd StatESTowards an Extra Layer of Security:Two-Factor Authentication(Part 1 of 3)Test & Measurement• Process Monitor ................................................106Handheld Test And MeasurementDevices Growing to The Standardsof Benchtops747678Interviewprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at nutech photolithographers,b-38, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi, on the first day of each month andpublished from d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright2015. all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material from thismagazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited.although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility whatsoever is takenfor any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannot be used are returned to theauthors if accompanied by a self-addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope. butno responsibility is taken for any loss or delay in returning the material. Efy will notbe responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser. disputes, if any, will besettled in a new delhi court only.Telecom“Indian automotive engineersare gaining significant ground...”EFY Plus DVDElectronic Design Automation Using Altium Designer 15 ICreate PostScript And Netlist Using XCircuitIIIVIIMulti-Level Neuronal Simulation Using iqrBroadband Internet Access UsingADSL— Natarajan M.M., VP, Arrow South AsiaInnovationInterviewLipoff, IEEE fellowEFy Plus dVdThis Month’s DVD ContentsRegulars0810121480110120125FeedbackQs&AsUseful WebsitesTechnology NewsFirst LookIndustry NewsNew ProductsBusiness Pages AdsALPS: Bridging Academia-Industry GapBuyers’ guideSelecting 3D Television Made Easy“If you have pervasive wirelesscharging, you will want to optimisefor high-rate designs...”— Stuart114Make In IndiaMarket Survey: LED Market Could GrowManifold in Next 15 Years139 Electronics Mart Ads146 Product Categories Index147 Advertisers’ Indexwww.EFymag.comnext issue6•3D Printing•Coil Wound Components•Handheld t&M equipmentFor Field engineersJanuary 2015 | ElEctronics For you plusFEEDBACKSports ElectronicsI am an eighth-grade student whofinds Electronics For You interestingand joyful to read. I often refer tomy uncle’s copy for updating myselfabout current technology trends.However, most magazines cover ar-ticles on technology in the fields ofmedicine, education and agricultureonly, and rarely on sports. I wouldreally like to read a story on thecontribution of technology to sportsand request EFY team to publish thesame in one of the forthcoming is-sues of EFY.DishitaThrough e-mailEFY.It is a brilliant idea! We need tocover the role of electronics in sportstoo. We will try and publish storieson related topics as soon as possible.2014 issue. I am an electronics andcommunication engineer and foundit to be very informative. I thoroughlyenjoyed reading it.I am also an amateur radio opera-tor, licensed by government of India(Ministry of Communication) forHAM radio operations in my region.Recently, I discovered that thereare many HAM radio operators inBengaluru, but first-time users do notget proper guidance on how to usethe equipment or how to set up theirown HAM stations.Please publish an article onamateur radio in the forthcomingissues of EFY as it will benefit thenew generation of HAM operators.The article could include guidancetechniques starting from how toobtain a HAM licence to how toset up your own station. It will begreat if we have more HAM opera-tors in the country as the scope forcommunication will increase andenthusiasts all over the country willfind a new hobby.Efforts EFY puts into research andcompilation for any article are highlycommendable, and I do not thinkanyone is better equipped than EFYto guide the next generation of HAMoperators properly.Shrinidhi G.BengaluruEFY.Thank you for the feedbackand suggestion! Please note thatwe have ABC of Amateur Radio andCitizen Band book available withour associates Kits‘n’Spares. Youmay contact them on 011-26371661or visit www.kitsnspares.com fordetails.From Facebook: EFY’sElectronics Design CommunityI need one mini project. Please help.Mounendar ChintuEFY.You may visit www.kitsnspares.comfor the project.I need a simple automatic LEDemergency light circuit.Khadija ChoudharyEFY.You may refer to ‘Desktop LEDEmergency Light’ circuit published inSeptember 2014 issue.‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn ‘Crystal-Controlled AM Transmitter’circuit published in October 2014 issue,an antenna is used in the circuit, but it isnot mentioned in Parts List.Siddharth KaulEFY App in AndroidFirst, I would like to thank EFY cus-tomer support team. They repliedto my query within three days.Second, is there any way I can getpast issues of EFY on my Androidphone?Santhosh SamuelThrough e-mailEFY.You can download the free EFYapp from Google Play store to yourAndroid device to access subscribedissues of EFY. As for now, older is-sues can only be read at our Ezineportal. Please visit http://ezine.efymag.com/ for the same.We have also partnered withMagzter Inc. Using Magzter app,subscribers will be able to read sub-scribed issues on mobile platformslike Android, iOS and Windows 8, aswell as PCs. We expect this facility tobe rolled-out very soon.ErrataIn ‘LED Scrolling Display’ DIY projectpublished in November 2014 issue,on page 75, in the second column,“resistors R1 and R5” should be read as“rows R1 and R5.” On page 77, in thefirst column, “The eight npn Darlingtonconnected transistors (T1-T8)...” shouldbe read as “The in-built eight npnDarlington connected transistors inULN2803...”EFY.The file version for Opera webbrowser included in EFY DVD forDecember 2014 is 24.0.1558.66.Since the new version (26.0.1656.32)is now available, it automaticallyupdates itself to this version duringinstallation.Power Amplifierfor FM TransmitterIn ‘Power Amplifier For FM Transmit-ter’ DIY article published in Novem-ber 2014 issue, in the first paragraph,“Use of a good ground plane willfurther increase the range...” shouldbe read as “Use of a good ground-plane antenna will further increasethe range...”Joy Mukherji, authorwww.EFymag.comEFY DVDIn the DVD section of December2014 issue, Opera version is wronglyprinted as 24.0.1558.66. When I in-stalled it, the version was found to be26.0.1656.32.Praveen S. JavaliThrough e-mailAmateur RadioI am a huge fan of EFY and have readevery copy since the last two years.This is regarding ‘Wireless Communi-cation’ article published in November8January 2015 | ElEctronics For youQ&AThings YouWanted to Know!Q1.What is FPGA? Please providesome notes and programs toexplain it.Irfan KhanThrough e-mailFPGA stands for field (inthe field) programmable (re-configurable, change logic functions)gate array (reference to ASIC internalarchitecture). It is a semiconductordevice containing programmablelogic components called logic blocks,and programmable interconnects. Itmeans that we can program it foralmost any digital function.The system works as follows: Acomputer is used to describe a logicfunction that is to be synthesised.Either a schematic or a text filedescribing the function will servethat purpose. Then, logic functionis compiled, using the software pro-vided by the FPGA vendor. This cre-ates a binary file that can be down-loaded into the FPGA. Next, FPGA isconnected to a computer through acable to download the binary file tothe FPGA.The programmed FPGA behavesaccording to logic function. How-ever, do keep the following pointsin mind:1. You can download FPGAs asmany times as you want, with dif-ferent functionalities every time ifyou want. If you make a mistake inyour design, just fix your logic func-tion, re-compile and re-download it.You do not need to change the PCB,soldering or component.2. FPGA designs run much fasterthan designs with discrete compo-nents.3. FPGAs lose their functionalitywhen power goes away (like RAM ina computer that loses its content).You have to download files againwhen power comes back, to restorefunctionality.Learning material for the same isavailable on the Internet. EFY TechCenters provide a nine-day hands-on short-term course on VLSI. Theprogramming exercises are in Verilogand System Verilog languages, andtested on FPGA boards.wantknowQ2.Ineed totokeep in the points Imind whileselecting an RFID IC and microcon-troller.Anurag BhistThrough e-mailRadio frequency identifica-tion (RFID) allows for wire-less transfer of data between a smallelectronic transmitting tag and areader without the necessity of line-of-sight. A feature of RFID is that theread operation may occur over longdistances and multiple reads may oc-cur. To choose the right RFID tag foryour application, there are a numberof considerations, including:Frequency range.RFID productswork on different frequencies, whichare targeted for specific geographicalregions, applications and perfor-mance requirements. Regulatory re-quirements associated for the regionof operation are mandatory.Memory size.This depends onthe size of the database to be tagged.Range performance.A tag’sread-range performance is usuallyconsidered the primary gauge of itssuitability for a particular applica-tion.Environmental conditions.Where and how the tag or insertwill be used plays a significant rolein determining the right tag. Harshenvironment, such as oil and gasexploration, construction and min-ing, will require rugged chips ascompared to inventory and asset-tracking applications.A1.A2.Cost of implementation andmaintenance of the system.Theseare also to be considered while se-lecting the tag.A microcontroller is selected pri-marily on the basis of application.There are a number of considera-tions, including:1. General-purpose or specially-built for a specific application2. Architectural features, whichinclude:(i) 8-bit microcontroller for simpleapplications or 32-bit microcontrollerfor complex applications(ii) Number of ports to cater forinput/output (I/O) requirements. Ifyour requirement can be met withone input and one output pin, thenyou should opt for a 14-pin deviceinstead of a 40-pin device which hasa large number of I/O pins.(iii) Capacity of the program anddata memory(iv) Availability of resident pe-ripherals, such as timers, EEPROM,number of ADC channels, I2C, PWM,etc(v) Interrupt-handling capability(vi) Speed of operation(vii) Power requirement3. Availability of developmenttools. Choose a microcontroller forwhich assemblers/compliers areavailable either as open source or areinexpensive.4. Package. PDIP with leads suit-able for normal PCB mounting orquad-flat package with no leads forSMD mounting5. Easy availability in the marketTo conclude, choose a microcon-troller that meets the requirements ofthe application, and whose availablefeatures are used optimally.Answers compiled by EFY joint director(training), Col. N.C. Pande (Retd). Let-ters and questions for publication may beaddressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, NewDelhi 110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and shouldinclude name and address of the sender10January 2015 | ElEctronics For youwww.EFymag.comuseful websitesThe Internet of ThingsCreating a network and connecting embedded devices to the Internet has always been fun.This month we have some websites that will introduce you to the world of the Internet ofThings (IoT) and allow you to explore moreniraj sahayblogs.microsoft.comThis website introduces you to the IoT and Azure IoT services provided by Microsoft. It hasmany inspirational success stories about the IoT. Microsoft’s official IoT blog is the place todiscover how businesses are unleashing the potential of the IoT by harnessing Microsoft’s cloudservices, business intelligence, data analytics tools and operating systems. The website has alot for IoT fans to discover.http://blogs.microsoft.com/iot/openremote.comOpenRemote is a professional, open source middle-ware for the IoT. You can integrate any deviceor protocol, and design any user-interface and intelligent system. Whether you are a do-it-yourself(DIY) enthusiast, an integrator or designer, a distributor or service provider, or an OEM, OpenRe-mote offers you a solution. In the DIY section, the website features Free Designer, which consistsof an online designer, a downloadable controller and panel apps. The site has all the informationrequired for getting started with OpenRemote, the open source automation platform.http://www.openremote.com/thethings.ioYou build cool things and then you connect it to the Internet. thethings.io is the missing link betweenyour networked products and your website and mobile app. It makes your IoT work by providing acloud solution, front-end UI and interoperability, so that you get more. It offers a free account whereyou can connect ten devices with very few limitations. The site charges one Euro per device per yearfor full-access to its back-end, analytics and interoperability features. With this, you can store andquery unlimited data.https://thethings.io/contiki-os.orgWhen we talk about the IoT, we cannot miss the operating system powering it. Contiki isan open source OS for the IoT. It connects tiny, low-cost, low-power microcontrollers to theInternet. The website has links to tutorials that help you get started with Contiki. It also hasan active community, which can be very helpful for a beginner.http://www.contiki-os.org/iot.electronicsforu.comDo you want to keep yourself updated on the latest in the IoT? iot.electronicsforu.com hasinformation about IoT experts, IoT players and IoT products, along with articles on differentIoT ideas. The website offers good reading material to understand the fundamentals of the IoT.http://iot.electronicsforu.com/12January 2015 | ElEctronics For youwww.EFymag.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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