Ellis - The Assault on Reality, Chaosu Magija

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The Marauder Underground
Our primary activity is attacking what is commonly known as consensual reality, the
dominant paradigm, the mundane world, whatever you want to call it.
We cast spells, scribe sigils, summon spirits, and open gateways. Anything that can be
done to influence reality towards our goal.
We use chalk to tag buildings & sidewalks with sigils and goetic summonings. We
conjure up spirits and set them loose, leaving in our wake freshly haunted sites. We
infect the population with the power of chaos, and watch as random magick explodes into
the lives of unsuspecting citizens.
We are reality deviants in the truest sense of the word, as we pry open the eyes of a
sleeping humanity to the terror and wonder of the worlds beyond.
What you are about to read is a condensed presentation of the online forums, emails, and
conversations that encompass the creation, implementation, and current state of Ellis and
the underground.
Much of the original online discussion that gave birth to what may or may not be this
movement has been lost or deleted. As a result, this text begins in the middle, with the
first recoverable post. This text edited to the best quality, though consider the source,
given that being published was not the original goal.
To summarize, this discussion began with a question posed about placing ads in
newspapers with the text “Magick is Real” and what sorts of effects would occur. From
this humble beginning you may or may not have before you the resulting revolution.
In retrospect, this could also be a great way to find others in your area; I, for
one, think I'd get curious should I stumble across various markings. To do one better, we
could go so far as to leave responses in various magical writing systems. Futhark and
enochian, together at last.
How about a discordian ritual or some humorous magickal working near a
high or middle school, not with black robes or anything but just to lighten up the
atmosphere in a place that is actually like a prison/ free labor camp and to stimulate the
curiosity of very bored people?
How about using chaosphere's? Peter Carroll has a good section in Liber
Null & Psychonaut on them. Perhaps if a great number of them are chalked, spraypainted,
molded from clay and left lying around in public, a ritual could be performed which
could charge them all to make the manifestations of weird occurrences to happen that
would challenge the consensus belief more likely. Just an idea. A chaosphere is a sphere
with eight arrows pointing from it. It can be created as a 2D drawing or 3D model. It can
also be charged. It's function, according to Carroll in Liber Null:
"It is a purposely created crack in the fabric of reality through which the stuff of Chaos
enters our dimension."
It can be ritually charged with lifeforce in whatever form you wish to supply it, and acts
as a "magic lamp" which "emitteth the brilliant darkness" according to Carroll. I like
what he writes at the end of this section, as it inspired me to consider this:
"The erection of operating Chaospheres at various points about the earth will tend to
hasten the immanentization of the eschaton, the change of aeon."
Or we could just clog up the personal ads in our local newspaper with phrases like
"Magic Works!"
1. Maybe there is already a group at work on this very project. Just yesterday,
after reading the posts here, I was walking home from work and saw that someone had
used a pattern of a chaosphere to spray paint one in relief on the sidewalk. Now
vandalism is bad of course, but damn it was cool to see!
2. Maybe someone could set up a free website (or we could use this thread), we could
post stories & pics of our various activities as magical miscreants. Everybody uses an
alias so as not to get anyone in trouble with the law.
3. I like the "reality game" thing in the previous post. Maybe we could do a sort of Fight
Club thing, but instead of fisticuffs its magick, we contend via chalking, ads, statues in
sewers, flier campaigns, making haunted places, etc. Urban exploration, magick, and a
little streak of discordian mischief.
4. We could even get non-magick folks involved, a symbol of power is a symbol of
power, with the right encouragement/wizard's trick, we could actually fool people into
true magick, prankster style.
Any thoughts?
Post those Ads!
Just call your local paper and ask if they offer free ads to private party customers, not all
papers do, but alot are getting on the bandwagon industry wide.
An online log of occult experiments...could be nice, I'd be up for it. Are we
talking about all doing the same sigil, or simply a mass of sigils that come to us?
I think that perhaps we should have a "Linking Sigil" a simple sigil we use to link
our works in this vein together, kinda like a spell header, and then we slap whatever else
we've got around it. That way we would be working in conjunction, but also manage to
maintain our autonomy and unique spellcasting style, making our overall effect more
diverse and interesting. I think it could serve to create an entirely new ley line web,
especially if we attached it to nodes (places of power) or especially weird places (haunted
houses, abandoned asylums, spooky woods etc). A "Linking Sigil" would have to be
something simple, so that you could scribe it quickly on whatever medium was at hand...
it also would need to be something rather unique, that didn't have any previous occult
significance tied to it so it didn't interfere with the spell... I'll think about that.
I like Arjil's idea, perhaps we could activate dormant ley nodes in public
places and use a sigil as an energy pool for personal uses. Or we could create a servitor,
however that's old and that plane is clogged up with people’s servitors anyway. How
about posting our sigil in the classifieds, or using the energy we get from the newly
activated node to open portals?
Ok, so we've got a Linking Sigil. I can build a website this weekend, anyone
have a lead on a better free service than yahoo?
I'm feelin' somethin' good here...Mayhaps I'll attempt some recruitment around the
web, see if we can get this thing kickin' on a large scale, that'd be cool huh? Ah, but who
ever said we had to stick 'em where they'd be seen? The only point of the linking sigil is
to form a magick net, all working to increase the levels of magick in the world, like a
giant spell that evolves and grows each time we add to it till eventually. If you feel that
you should Wizard's Trick it, and let the muggles *see and wonder* then cool, if you
prefer to work your magicks in secret go for it. The linking sigil makes whatever magick
you use it in conjunction with another piece of the puzzle. I believe I'm going to stick an
L.S. with an adjoining chaosphere, perhaps throw in a rune or sigil of spiritual awakening
to the underside of the new age/occult bookshelf in Barnes and noble. That should make a
nice little addition.
Oh, I like the bookshop idea. Incidentally, all of my markings do have the
linking sigil in place nearby, so I look forward to the eventual buildup of energy and the
theoretic effects. This should be fun.
Anybody ever seen the Fallen? The one with the angel who travels from body
to body by touch? Maybe one could set a "magic do as you will" sort of charge on
someone, and program into the spell a "self-replicating sub-routine", so that the random
magic charge would spread from person to person like a virus, dropping a little piece of
empowered chaos into people's lives. The site for out little "activity" is going to be up by
Sunday night. The address is
Lady Hydralisk:
I'd like to leave little notes in books at the children's section in the
library, write them in spidery handwriting on papyrus, with a little magic spell on them,
maybe for adolescent books. I remember when I was about eight, digging through the
library stacks looking for grimoires in memory of a past life. Maybe help out another soul
in the process.
On the idea of magical symbol for shock value, I want to give an
example that I hope we can take something from. At my school, it would seem a bunch of
Wiccans got a similar idea. All over the school were chalked pentagrams with "Wicca"
written underneath. I seemed to be one of the only ones who noticed enough to say
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