Elemental Hope and Roses EmPOV, Twilight Fanfiction

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Hope and Roses
By TallualahBelle
Emmet POV
Shirt and trousers pressed…check."
Matching dark grey tie…check."
Polished black shoes…check."
Black dress belt…check."
Clammy hands and a knot in my stomach…check and check."
"Emmett! You're going to be very late!" Mom loudly called up the stairs, sounding concerned
and annoyed all at once.
"I'll be ready in a few!" I yelled back, as I laid my silk tie against a matching dress shirt on my
bed. I stepped back to see if I was missing anything and realized that I had forgotten my
lucky cufflinks. Frantically, I raced back to the tall, dark wood dresser on the other side of my
bedroom and practically ripped out the top drawer in my haste to find what I considered to
be my talisman for all situations that made me feel any form of uncertainty.
Usually I never felt like I needed them, but today was different. Today was-
"Emmett, stop fidgeting! You needed to be out the door five minutes ago," Mom said with a
series of rapid taps against the other side of my closed bedroom door.
"I just need to get dressed-"
"You said
five minutes ago," she cut me off, complete frustration evident in her voice.
I didn't respond, as she was right. I hurried into my best dress clothes as dictated by the
invitation I received from the Hale family three weeks ago for Rosalie's eighteenth birthday
It wasn't like it was a surprise request. Our eighteenth birthdays were a day that we grew up
expecting to celebrate in a big, big way. Like marching bands and lavish parties with half-
naked girls popping out of cakes sort of celebration…
…well, not really. Just kidding about the marching band.
Actually, it meant that we had officially reached adulthood in the eyes of the Coven. We
were expected to participate in adult rituals and business. We would have to discuss with
the leaders of the Coven, currently Carlisle and Esme Cullen, about our place within it.
Usually it was to talk about further schooling so that we could eventually work in the tiny
town of Forks, Washington to continue on the legacy of our ancestors and protect the
promise made by them.
Not to mention, and probably just
important, we also became of age to imprint.
I had turned eighteen during the winter and had known a moment of excitement wondering
if I would imprint soon after, but it didn't come. The closest to me in age was Garrett
Mallory, as he was born a month after me, except we were both into girls so an imprint
between the two of us was not going to happen.
But you never know whom you'll end up with as a mate. Same-sex imprinting had happened
before. It wasn't out of the question; it had occurred a few times within the Coven.
"Sweetheart? Do you need some help?" Mom asked, calmer this time, still stationed on the
other side of my door.
"I'm fine, just getting my pants on," I told her, slipping my right leg into the funnel of
lightweight fabric and then the other. It took me another minute to situate myself and tuck
in my shirt. I grabbed my belt and walked to my door to let her in, knowing that she wouldn't
leave me alone until she saw me.
She looked a little stunned for a second before her face morphed into one of fondness. I
knew exactly what she was thinking: I wasn't a little boy anymore.
"Need help with your tie?" she asked quietly, looking close to tears but with pride in her
"Sure," I said, humoring her, letting her in my room. I knew she wanted to be useful as she
felt her days were numbered as the woman who had the right to take care of me. It was
something she lamented about for the past year, before, during, and after I became an
adult. The invite from the Hales for Rose's birthday party set off the latest round of her
crying jags. Although no mating was a done deal, she was certain this was it for me. That
Rose was meant to be mine. I kept pushing that bit of info away, not wanting to jinx any
possible chance I had with her. This was something I couldn't talk about with anyone, not
even Mom.
She picked up the piece of narrow silk from my bed and I ducked my head down to let her
get it around my neck. After a minute or two of tying and straightening, she placed her
hands on my shoulders and smiled up at me.
"Where are your cufflinks?" she asked, with watery eyes.
"Right here," I whispered, reaching out for the small black velvet box that lay on the bed,
stark against the light green of the comforter beneath it.
I knew that it was obvious to where they were, as it was the only piece of jewelry that I was
careful of and kept in a box, but I knew that Mom had something else to say, and this was
her way of trying to find the words to speak, but she wasn't ready to. So, I let her have her
quiet time until she was able to say them.
After she helped me with the last details of my appearance she let out a small sigh and
looked up at me, giving me a grin, showing off the dimples I inherited from her.
"You ready?" she asked.
"Yeah…I think I am," I said, feeling another tug on my stomach, hoping to the gods I wouldn't
"Emmett, I don't know what will happen today- maybe nothing, maybe
. I know
you will make the right choices for yourself and…" she started, so certain in tone, but
chickened out in the end.
Again, it was that part of her wanted to keep me as her baby boy, sitting at her feet in the
greenhouse as she hummed to the flowers, showing me her love for Earth, and teaching me
my first lesson with my powers on a basil plant. She wanted those memories to stay
important to us as mother and son. She was scared that when I did imprint I would think less
of them as I built new ones with my mate.
"Mom," I said, looking down at the crown of her head, sprinkled with strands of graying hair,
making patterns between still-full locks of brunette. She kept her head down and gave an
ashamed sort of sniffle. "Momma," I whispered lovingly, using the title that came readily as a
child, reaching for her hand to take it in mine.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm feeling a little nostalgic today," she said, finally looking up at me.
A tear ran down her face, disturbing the powder make-up she wore, revealing a few freckles
hidden underneath.
"I love you," I told her simply.
Her smile was instant and brilliant.
"Where did the time go?" she asked, grin and dimples deepening on her lovely face.
"I don't know," I told her honestly.
As if remembering the purpose of why she had hunted me down in the first place, she shook
her head and placed her hands on my cheeks. "You're late for Rose's party. I have her gift
ready by the back door."
"Thank you," I said, the uncertainty returning.
"Have fun, and tell me all about it when you get home," she said, speaking words that I knew
weren't the complete truth.
"I will," I replied automatically, giving her a peck on the forehead and moving to slip on my
shoes and buckle my belt.
When I was done, I walked toward the now-open door and stopped to turn back to look at
her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at a picture of the two of us on my first
birthday, me covered in cake with a deer-in-the-headlights expression and her leaning her
unlined, youthful face near mine with a big smile, pointing towards the camera.
I walked back and sat next to her on the bed, wrapping an arm around her delicate and still
small waist.
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