ElectronicHighlights2006, ELV

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Open – Close doors at the press of a button
wireless door lock drive

High torque (2.5 Nm)

High speed for
Locking/Unlocking (25.5 r.p.m.)

Intelligent: position detection,
travel path optimization,
extended security functions ...

Optional: hard-wired
power supply and control
Quick, easy installation
up to 100 m
transmission range
without KeyMatic
with KeyMatic
The latest development from ELV: At last, you can open and close your house door
as easily as your car.
The press of a button is enough.
Sensational technology and sensational price. KeyMatic
is unique and patented.
Remote Interface with interface connector for an external emergency power
supply and hard-wire operation.
Remote Interface incl. rechargeable batteries,
power supply, 5 m connecting cable
Quick, easy installation
Installation is completed in just a few operations: No need to drill any holes, no power
cable and no special tools required. KeyMatic
can be installed on any door
equipped with a standard cylinder lock and having the emergency and danger
functions. It is only in exceptional cases that the existing cylinder lock needs to be
replaced in order to be able to fit the mounting plate.
Simply fix the holder on the cylinder lock above it, mount the drive and screw
together – finished!
Order no.: 17-654-68
Universal use
Regardless of whether it is a house door, side door, warehouse or apartment door
– as long as a standard cylinder lock is installed, KeyMatic
can be used.
With a max. torque of 2.5 Nm even heavy locks can be opened.
works independently of any mains power and is absolutely fail-safe
against power failures, requiring no power outlet near the door.
can be retrofitted for battery operation easily and no mains power
cable is required. The service life of the batteries is approx. 1 year with an average
of 8 door closing locking per day. An imminent battery change is indicated in good
time (in the display) and also acoustically with each locking procedure when nearing
the end of its service life.
If the battery capacity is reduced, there are several audio-visual warnings prompting
a change of battery.
Reduce the risk of burglary
Only locked doors provide sufficient safety against burglary. Main doors of apartments
or houses should be locked during the day or night, even if it is only going to be empty
for a few minutes. People often forget this because it’s a nuisance. A bunch of keys
can scratch the door or you often have your hands full and have to put things down
to get in.
These are things of the past when you use KeyMatic
– People don’t leave their
cars unlocked, do they?
Whether using remote control, pressing a button on the unit or manually – a
complex, cleverly devised electromechanism provides several options.
Unrestricted manual operation requires the use of a cylinder lock with so called
emergency and danger function. This version, generally in use today, ensures that
the lock can still be operated by a second key even if one key has been left in on the
other side.
Reliable radio connection
The radio connection is protected against misuse by the rolling code function, known
from the automobile industry. Each remote control supplied by ELV has an individual
serial number (1 of 268,435,456) and operates with a 16 bit synchronization counter
(65,536 possibilities). This results in 17 trillion options. To break this code, in this
case, would theoretically take 500,000 years! Unlocking as a result of perturbing
radiation can also be ruled out. A master remote control helps to make the system
even more secure.
Emergency function
The door lock remains fully functional and can be used without any restrictions
manually (i.e. with the standard key). If there is a fault in the system, you can still get
in and out of the house in the “normal way” without having to contact an expensive
lock and key service. A nice, secure feeling.
Interface connection
If required, the optional interface KM 300 RI can be connected. The interface permits
control of the power supply and easy operation of the drive by means of any
pushbutton, e.g. ordinary installation control switches (functions: lock, unlock,
open). A power supply unit ensures that the accumulator is constantly recharged for
yet another increase of operational readiness.
Open, lock or unlock the door by pressing a button – nice and easy via remote control
or directly on the unit.
Before unloading your shopping from your car, press the “Open door“ function on
the small remote control on the key ring and then enter the house without having to
put the shopping down again. Locking it again is just as simple.
Thanks to its powerful drive (25.5 r.p.m.) the door can be opened and locked again
Always under control
The status messages in the display help during operation and acoustic status signals
from the transmitter ensure the current operating status can be determined at all
times. The acoustic acknowledgement signals can be adjusted and deactivated.
If necessary, an optional signal lamp can be installed which visually accompany
acoustic status signals.
The electronic key for your home
Radio remote control RM 300 RC
The super-compact radio transmitter in key ring
format has been specially conceived for controlling the KeyMatic door lock. It
transmits the control commands in coded form using a scrambling procedure,
thus providing a high degree of protection against code theft (“tapping” e.g. by a
partly authorized persons such as cleaning personnel or a babysitter). When using
the remote control, it is not possible for this circle of personnel to make copies of
There is also the advantage that if the transmitter is lost, the cylinder lock need not
be replaced or a locking system is necessary – the transmitter can simply be deleted
from the reception memory.
When a battery is empty, it is indicated by an integrated signal lamp.
A transmitter is supplied in the scope of delivery with the sets, up to 8 further
transmitters can be registered for operation on the radio door lock drive.
Adapted to your surroundings
The wireless door lock drive is available in three different colors, available for delivery
adapted to the most popular door colors.
Complete set
is supplied as a set: Remote door lock drive system, mounting plate,
retaining screws, installation wrench, radio transmitter, set of batteries
Order no.: 17-627-19
Additional remote control, supplied with battery
Order no.: 17-577-78
Silver gray
Order no.: 17-627-31
Order no.: 17-627-26
KeyMatic signal lamp LED
The signal lamp provides an optical acknowledgement, visible externally, of the
commands issued from the remote control. This enables visual feedback from some
distance concerning the activities of the door lock drive.
Installation of the lamp is possible using adhesive assembly behind glass or on the
door panel. The signal lamp is connected to the door lock drive via a plug connector.
KeyMatic LED 15
Signal lamp, adhesive assembly, feed line 15 cm
Order no.: 17-610-46
KeyMatic LED 30
Signal lamp, adhesive assembly, feed line 30 cm
Order no.: 17-612-24
The signal transmission to the KeyMatic occurs as with the hand transmitter via
radio signal and securely coded by means of a KeeLoq procedure. If a radio
controlled doorbell should be triggered, the door station can be placed anywhere,
the battery supplies the device for up to 3 years regardless of its location.
In order, for example, that cleaning personnel do not have uncontrolled access to
a building day and night, the individual codes can be assigned access rights with
time limits.
The individual actions can be saved related to individuals and be displayed in lists
– you are always in control of what happens in front of your door!
The Alarm-Dialer calls a programmable telephone number, if three code number
entrys are failed or you are attacked in front of the door. In this case, you can open
the door normally and the dialer calls the telephone number discrete.
Radio door latch
Code Acces Controll
Radio switch
KeyMatic deluxe – door station code access control
You’ve left your radio transmitter in the house? No problem, if KeyMatic CAC has
been installed. Simply open the door by entering a code. At the same time, the door
station can also be used for controlling the existing door latch and an FS20 receiver
(e.g. for outdoor lighting or radio controlled door bell).
KeyMatic deluxe,
Order no.: 17-577-80
An integrated display indicates a freely programmable solutation and the system
status. It can be used as a name or information label, for example. Both the keypad
and the display are provided with back-lighting (either permanently on or timer
controlled via key input, depending on the power supply).
The device can be either operated purely with batteries or via an existing doorbell
transformer (batteries then serve as a buffer in the event of a power failure, for instance).
KeyMatic deluxe,
silver gray
Order no.: 17-616-60
FAZ 3000
radio alarm system
FAZ 3000 S
- M
- All components can be “connected” to the alarm base station
without wiring of any sort.
- Long free field range of 500 m.
- High reliability via bi-directional radio links (acknowledgement of
each radio message).
- Up to 100 radio sensors can be connected.
- 868 MHz technology ensures excellent protection against
interference from other radio services.
- In addition 4 hard-wired alarm lines and a hard-wired sabotage line
are provided.
- Long battery life of approximately 3 years.
- Wide range of components available.
Smoke Detector
RM 100-FAZ
Order no.:
FAZ 3000-TF
Order no.: 17-462-98
Up to 100 (!)
radio sensors can
be connected
FAZ 3000-PIR-2
Order no.: 17-652-48
FAZ 3000-SI-2
Order no.:
FAZ 3000 Z-4 Order no.: 17-651-86
FAZ 3000-AW-2
Order no.: 17-562-89
FAZ 3000-PC
Order no.:
FAZ 3000-FB-2 – Remote Control
Order no.: 17-613-52
FAZ 3000-SE-2
Order no.: 17-652-09
868 MH
The FAZ 3000 radio alarm system operates at 868 MHz, a frequency
specially reserved for uses that require only very short data transfers,
i.e. continuous signal transmitters are not permitted. This indicates
a clearly increased transfer reliability, as interference by permanently
operating systems such as radio headsets, etc is “postally” excluded.
For the FAZ 3000, bi-directional means a signal transfer in both
directions, i.e. not only from the sensor to the alarm base station, but
also from the alarm base station to the sensor. This method is
especially important for acknowledging signals (and to repeat them
if necessary).
It is also important for power saving for sensors to receive the
command “revert to power saving” when units are inactivated.
The alarm unit that “talks” to its sensors.
After a two-year development programme ELV presents its new radio
alarm system designed according to the very latest technology, which
leaves nothing to be desired. Special emphasis has been placed on
high reliability and freedom from interference, which is the mainstay
of a modern alarm system.
The new FAZ 3000 radio alarm unit is
designed for burglary and fire protec-
tion for flats and houses as well as for
accident and emergency alarms. It is
based on the very latest microproces-
sors and radio technology and offers a
wide range of functions with easy instal-
lation and servicing.
All components are connected by radio
so installation is child’s play, as there
are absolutely no wires to lay between
Up to 100 (!) radio sensors, which can
be individually provided with user-
selectable names (max. 11 characters),
can be connected. In the event of an
alarm the base station display immedi-
ately shows where security has been
breached. In addition 4 hard-wired alarm
lines and a hard-wired sabotage line are
provided. The FAZ 3000 can also re-
place current wired alarm units and the
system can be expanded to almost any
size required. All sensors (with the ex-
ception of the smoke alarms), the pe-
ripheral devices and the alarm base sta-
tion are equipped with an integrated
sabotage contact that immediately trig-
gers an alarm on unauthorised opening
of the housing. Operation of the sensors
is by battery with a life of approximately
3 years. The alarm base station is fed by
a plug power supply and naturally also
has its own emergency power supply
via batteries. An optional external DCF
receiver is available to increase the ac-
curacy of the integrated clock.
The completely new development of the
FAZ 3000 radio alarm system provides a
multitude of essential features.
tioning correctly. If the radio link is
interrupted for more than 90 minutes
then the alarm base station issues an
interference message, which does not
necessarily lead to an alarm. In this way
the operator can recognize possible ra-
dio interference without “arousing the
radio alarm system. This bi-directional
system has a second radio path in the
opposite direction for each sensor and
peripheral device. If the PIR sensor, for
example, detects an alarm, it transmits
the information via radio to the base
station immediately. The base station
receives the information and sends an
acknowledgement to the PIR sensor,
which receives the acknowledgement
signal and now knows for certain that
the alarm has definitely been received at
the base station, which now proceeds
‘as instructed’ (sirens switched on, tel-
ephone dialing service activated, etc).
If the PIR sensor does not receive an
acknowledgement signal from the base
station it transmits the “alarm activation
message” until the base station sends
an acknowledgement back.
entire neighbourhood” with an alarm.
Bi-directional radio technology also en-
long battery life
even for heavily
used PIR monitors. This is clearly dem-
onstrated by the following example:
A “normal” uni-directional operating PIR
monitor located in the hallway of a house
does not know whether the base station
is activated or inactivated. Even for inac-
tivated units (i.e. if people are in the
monitored area), the PIR monitor de-
tects the movement and regularly acti-
vates its transmitter in order to send the
information to the base station. This
uses a great deal of valuable battery
capacity. Not so with the FAZ 3000 bi-
directional monitor! If a unit is activated
it is reported to the monitors, which
then go into the “standby” state. Even if
people are moving around in the moni-
tored area these sensors do not trans-
mit alarms if a unit is in an inactivated
If the unit is now activated, there is by
definition nobody left in the monitored
area, so that the FAZ 3000 sensors that
are activated do not transmit any alarms
– an operational method that is espe-
cially energy conserving.
municating between the base station
and the peripheral devices. This fre-
quency band was chosen deliberately as
no continuous signal transmitters are
permitted i.e. interference caused by
LPDs, radio headsets, radio loudspeak-
ers or amateur radio transmitters are
"postally" excluded.
Convenient start set:
FAZ 3000-5
- FAZ 3000 radio alarm center set,
- FAZ 3000-FB radio remote
- FAZ 3000-TF radio door/window
- FAZ 3000-PIR radio movement
(all components are excluding
High reliability provided by a bi-direc-
tional 868 MHz radio path.
Probably the most essential criterion of
an alarm unit is the reliability and free-
dom from interference.
Superhead receivers
are built into all
components (with the exception of the
key ring remote control). Superhead re-
ceivers are distinguished by high sensi-
tivity and narrow bandwidth, i. e. the
extremely long free field range and the
freedom from interference with regard to
adjacent radio bands is superbly guaran-
teed by the use of this high quality recep-
tion technology.
Optional Components:
FAZ 3000-SI-2
Sirene Control to add a sirene or
flash into wireless alarm system.
The unit must offer reliability
with re-
gard to breakdown security/availability
as well as recognise an attempted break
in. In this respect all FAZ 3000 system
components are distinguished by an
extremely mature technical design com-
bined with a long battery life. The
battery voltage is automatically checked
at regular intervals and the voltage level
is reported to the base station and dis-
played approximately four weeks before
the battery expires.
FAZ 3000-TF
Door/Window Detector for monitoring
the entrances in your house.
Bi-directional radio links
between the
base station and all sensors and
peripheral devices provide a high degree
of security for data transfer and high
resistance to interference from external
Almost all commercially available unidi-
rectional radio units operate exclusively
in one direction as far as the radio path
is concerned i.e. in the event of an alarm,
the alarm sensors send a signal to the
base station, but do not know whether it
has actually been received or not. This is
not the case with the new ELV FAZ 3000
FAZ 3000-PC
Computer Interface for configuration
and remote control via PC.
For the FAZ 3000,
freedom from inter-
has a greater significance. Eve-
ry 10 minutes each sensor and each
peripheral device reports to the alarm
base station in order to indicate it is
“live”. This ensures that there are no
faulty sensors and the radio link is func-
FAZ 3000-AW-2
Alarm Dialler to alert programmed
members invent of alarm.
868 MHz radio technology
excellent freedom from interference
when transmitting alarm and status re-
ports from the sensors and when com-
FAZ 3000-SE-2
Remote Switch to activate the alarm
unit via switches and buttons.
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