Electronics For You Plus - February 2015, Electronics For You Plus 2015
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->FEBRUARY 2015For Youelectronics for you Plus | february 2015 | Vol. 3 no. 10contentsBuYERS’ GuIDEEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02TEch FocuS3D Printing: Out ofThis World and IntoYour Bodies1872Handheld Instruments:Low-Cost, RuggedSolution for Field and LabadvErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 020-40147882E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.com28343846505660646669768486Amazing Advances in 3D PrintingAnd the Cause for ConcernTech FocusSecurityDo-IT-YourselfCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEgujarat:Emerging Radar Technology: Real-Time Through-the-Wall SurveillanceTowards an Extra Layer of Security:Activating Two-Factor Authentication(Part 2 of 3)LED LightingEmbeddedImplementing Capacitive-Touch Interfacesin Low-Cost LED Lighting DesignsAn Introduction to Fault-TolerantEmbedded SystemsBuilding Connected Internet ofThings Widgets with Raspberry Piand Intel GalileoWatchdog Timer for RobustEmbedded SystemsVedic Mathematics inMicrocontrollersSelecting The Right Operating Systemfor Your Next Embedded Design• Ultrasonic Radar Model UsingMicrocontroller ATmega128 ..............................107• Smoke, Alcohol and LPG-Detection Alarm ....... 114• Dual Audio-Signal Tracer .................................. 116• Wireless Intruder Alarm .................................... 118• Four-Channel Video and Audio Sequencer ......120• Bicycle USB Charger ........................................122• Javascript Based Canvas Pendulum Clock ......124• Setting-Up Your Own Personal Home Cloud ....125• Host Software for RFID Based AttendanceManagement System (Part 1 of 2) ....................128CHinajapanSingaporEtaiwanunitEd StatES889098104140143147Interview“In a nuclear reactor, a security breachcan result in a large safety issue”— Shinto Joseph, operations and salesdirector, LDRA Technology Pvt LtdInnovationEFY Plus DVDeStyleprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at nutech photolithographers,b-38, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi, on the first day of each month andpublished from d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright2015. all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material from thismagazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited.although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility whatsoever is takenfor any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannot be used are returned to theauthors if accompanied by a self-addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope. butno responsibility is taken for any loss or delay in returning the material. Efy will notbe responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser. disputes, if any, will besettled in a new delhi court only.Matrix NAVAN CNX200: Office-in-a-BoxSolution for Small EnterprisesThis Month’s DVD ContentsSome Amazing Products at CES 2015efY Plus DVDA Free MATLAB Alternative Called OctaveMultiple Design-and-Simulation Tools in One:Fedora Electronic LabRealistic Neural Modelling Using GENESISIIIIVIIDefence ElectronicsViewpointInterviewPrecision-Guided Munitions:Guidance Techniques (Part 1 of 4)Future of Robots: Artificial Intelligenceand The Need for R&D, According to IEEE“Wearable technologies are starting toplay a crucial role in the military as well”eStyle Buyers’ GuideMake in IndiaSelecting Your Next Wireless RouterMarket Survey: With A FavourableEnvironment, Indian Wound ComponentManufacturers Can Compete with ChineseMarket Survey: Telecommunications:Towards ConsolidationCase Study: Harnessing Wind EnergyAt Tareybhir: A Success StoryRegulars0608101294136150155169176FeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsFirst LookMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index +Attractions During 2015177 Advertisers’ Indexwww.eFymag.com— Somshubhro Pal Choudhry, MD, AnalogDevices, and Paul K. Klonowski, global director,aerospace and defence, Analog Devicesnext issue4•Wearables (smart Humans)•sMt Manufacturingequipment•Digital MultimetersFebruary 2015 | electronics For you plusFEEDBACKNew TechnologyI have been an EFY subscriber since1997. EFY, being an internationalmagazine, should cover articles onnew technologies, innovative ideas,new devices, CES 2015, new electron-ic components, R&D, Android prod-ucts, robots, artificial intelligence,nano technology and DIY projectsrelated to GPS, GSM, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, IRremote, solar and others.Kindly do not publish circuitsrelated to sirens, running lights, LEDprojects and power supplies. Theseare just hobby projects. Engineeringstudents are not supposed to show arunning light or disco light as a col-lege project.BalamuruganFrom FacebookEFY.Thanks for the feedback! Someof these topics have been featured inthis as well as past issues of EFY. EFYis for the electronics fraternity andcaters to every segment, includinghobbyists, students, experimenters,professionals, academicians and in-dustry. We keep a balance on topicsto make sure that it is useful to evena novice.From Facebook: EFY’s Electronics Design CommunityI need a circuit diagram for a water-level indicator with sound indication.Shafeeq RahmanEFY.You may refer to ‘Water-Level Indicator with Alarm Circuit’ available athttp://electronicsforu.com/newelectronics/lab/search_lab.asp?words=waterI have a doubt regarding designing a microstrip patch antenna. How should I simulatethe microstrip patch antenna?Dev NesanEFY.You may refer to ‘Microstrip Patch Antenna’ software article published in EFY November2013 issue.‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn eStyle First Look section of December 2014 issue, under ‘Videocon Launches FlagshipInfinium Graphite Smartphone,’ it is wrongly mentioned that the memory can be expandedto 32GB via microSD card, since an external microSD card is not supported in this device.Siddharth Kaul1. In ‘SafeDrive: An Automatic Accident Management System’ article under Innovationsection in December 2014 issue, in the box item ‘Solving challenges: Accident detection,’“1g=9.8 metres per second” is wrong, because metres per second is the unit of velocity.The correct unit of acceleration is “metres per second squared.”2. In ‘Interesting Facts’ article under Little-Known section in December 2014 issue, onpage 26, abbreviations for MASER and LASER are wrong. MASER stands for microwaveamplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and LASER stands for light amplificationby stimulated emission of radiation.Bikash AnandRobotics ProjectsI am interested in robotics. Pleaseprovide a list of published roboticsprojects in EFY.Naveen kumarThrough e-mailEFY.You may refer to the followingrobotics projects published in EFY:• Namastae Robot with Voice,April 2014• Soccer Robot, January 2014• Arduino Android Robot, Decem-ber 2013• Accelerometer Based Gesture-Controlled Robot, May 2013• RF Based Motion-Sensing Ro-bot, April 20136February 2015 | electronics For you• RF Based Dual-Mode Robot,March 2013• Gesture-Controlled Robot, Janu-ary 2013• Arduino Based RF-ControlledRobot, December 2012• Simple Line-Following Robot,July 2012• Robotic Arm, November 2011To get the back issues of EFY,you may contact our associates,Kits‘n’Spares (info@kitsnspares.com), or buy digital versions fromonline stores. We also have an EFYapp for Android, where you candownload subscribed, recent EFYissues.tors C1 and C2 (22pF each)” shouldbe read as “capacitors C4 and C5(22pF each).”Praveen S. JavaliEFY.Thanks for pointing out themistake! We will try to avoid suchtypographical errors in future.Power AmplifierThis is related to ‘Power Amplifierfor FM Transmitter’ circuit publishedin November 2014 issue. Can it beused to amplify the available mobile-network signal? If not, how can it bedone using another device?Praveen Reddy GorlaHyderabadThe author Joy Mukherji replies:The existing mobile signal can be am-plified with the help of GSM 900MHzrepeater/booster and an outdoordirectional Yagi antenna. These arewidely available on eBay from China.www.eFymag.comLong-Delay TimerIn ‘Long-Delay Timer with Real-Time Clock Display’ DIY projectpublished in December 2014 issue,on page 75, in the last line, “capaci-Q&AThings YouWanted to Know!Q1.Why is the receiver of a lan-dline telephone connected tothe dialer using a spiral wire? Does ithave any specific significance? Whynot use a simple wire?Pooja MathKalaburagiThere are two advantagesof using a coiled wire. First,straight cords tend to be long. Acoiled cord typically offers more flex-ibility as it can extend to allow for alarger reach. It can stretch to almostdouble of its un-stretched length andsnap back to its original size, timeafter time. Second, it also preventstangling.There are some downfalls also.It can be a safety hazard if not usedproperly. If stretched too far and re-leased, it can spring back with force,which can cause damage to things orinjury to someone.1IC178S12231IC278S0523D21N5804D11N5804CON115V, 2ASECONDARYD41N5804D31N5804GNDC30.1u5V12VADJ. VGNDCON2OUTPUTC11000u35V3IC3LM33812R11KC20.1uVR15KR3100ER2220ER4680ELED2LED1A1.Circuit diagram of a power supplyengineer andQ2.II am a structural an automaticneed to installremote control system, alarm systemand a CCTV at my home. What willI need for installing these systems?Will I need to install a separate wire-line? Please help me.Venkat RajSalemThis is a specialised field.There is no off-the-shelf solu-tion available for this. You shouldconsult with companies that providesecurity services.A2.am working on aQ3.Ivariable voltage andproject ofvariablecurrent power supply (DC). Can youhelp me with this project?Dinesh VariyaniThrough e-mailDesigning a power supply isbased on voltage and currentrequirements of the project. You mayhave to consider additional require-8February 2015 | electronics For youA3.ments, such as protection againstshort circuit, over-loading and meter-ing facility. Selection of components,such as diodes for rectification andvoltage regulators, also depends onvoltage and current requirements.The circuit diagram of a powersupply is given in the figure. It pro-vides adjustable voltage up to 12Vand fixed voltages of 12V and 5V.Line and load regulation is providedby using conventional series regu-lators. The current capacity of thepower supply is 2A.The mains AC voltage is steppeddown to 15V with the help of a step-down transformer (not shown). Thestepped-down voltage is applied toa bridge rectifier circuit formed by1N5804 diodes, D1 through D4. Therectified voltage is smoothened bycapacitor C1, applied to series regu-lator 78S12 and adjustable regulatorLM338. Output of 78S12 regulatoris 12V regulated and is available foruse at connector CON2. This outputis also applied to series regulator78S05, which provides 5V regulatedfor powering TTL series of ICs andmicrocontrollers.A better arrangement would bethe use of a dual secondary-coretransformer with lower voltage at thesecond secondary and separate bridgerectifier circuit to feed an LM7805.Series regulators have the problem ofpower (as heat) dissipation from theregulator, which is directly proportionalto the voltage difference across it andcurrent taken from the regulator. Tominimise power dissipation, we have tominimise the voltage difference acrossregulators. Proper heat sinks must beused with the regulators.LM338 is an adjustable three-termi-nal positive-voltage regulator, capableof supplying in excess of 5A over a1.2V to 32V output range. Under sus-tained loading conditions, the currentlimit decreases to a safe value, protect-ing the regulator. Thermal overloadprotection is also available on the chip.Overload protection remains functionaleven if the adjustment pin is acciden-tally disconnected. The device providesexcellent line regulation. It is easy touse and requires only two resistors,one (R2) between pins 1 and 2, andsecond between pin 1 and GND. In thecircuit, the latter is achieved by resistorR3+VR1. The output is adjusted usingVR1 to the required voltage, which isavailable at CON2.LED1 and LED2 are indicators of12V and 5V, respectively. The com-mon ground of the power supply isat CON2.Answers compiled by EFY joint director(training), Col. N.C. Pande (Retd). Let-ters and questions for publication may beaddressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, NewDelhi 110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and shouldinclude name and address of the senderwww.eFymag.comuseful websitesEmbedded Systemsniraj sahayEmbedded technology is gaining popularity in majority of mechanical or electrical systems. Itsapplication can be found in portable devices, from digital watches and MP3 players to largehome appliances and industrial appliances. This month we have some online resources thatwill help you understand embedded systems betterintel.comThe site has everything that one needs to learn about Intel’s embedded offerings. It has adedicated section that has videos, white papers and training tools on embedded systems. Thereare many other resources available on the website that are related to Intel’s embedded hardwareand software. There is a link to Intel embedded community where people can discuss differentissues related to design and application. What else do you need!http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/embeddedEmbeddedRelated.comEmbeddedRelated.com has been around since 2005. Over the years, it has become a very popularresource for embedded systems engineers around the world. The information on the website isvery well-organised into different categories. It has blogs, tutorials and a forum, where you canaccess several active embedded-systems-related discussion groups. It allows embedded systemsengineers and researchers to exchange information and ideas amongst themselves.http://www.embeddedrelated.com/index.phpembedded.comembedded.com is the resource for everything embedded systems designers and developers need todo their jobs, from the latest products, design and coding trends and tips, source codes, to practicaldesign information, discussions, features and industry happenings. The website also offers commu-nity features that enable developers to share their own content, ideas and experiences directly withthe embedded community.http://www.embedded.comElectronicsWeekly.comElectronicsWeekly.com is one of the leading websites for electronics professionals, offeringa daily diet of news, analysis, features and business stories. The website also keeps youupdated with the latest in the embedded domain.http://www.electronicsweekly.com/design/embedded-systems/maxEmbedded.commaxEmbedded.com is a free and open source platform to share knowledge and learn aboutconcepts of robotics, embedded systems and computer vision. People from around the world, whoare enthusiastic about these topics and willing to support the open source community, have sharedtheir knowledge and expertise by means of written tutorials and videos on the website, which is agood place to learn embedded system applications.http://maxembedded.com10February 2015 | electronics For youwww.eFymag.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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