Electronics For You Plus - August 2015, Electronics For You Plus 2015

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//-->electronics for you Plus | August 2015 | Vol. 04 no. 04 | issn-2454-4426contentsBuYERs’ GuIDEEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02TECh FoCus3220222640445054687982Would You LikeSome ‘Smarts’in Your Home?60Latest MCUDevelopment BoardsMake Prototyping EasieradvErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 08800295610, 09870682995E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.comBionic Lenses AddingCapabilities to Human VisionFuturisticVideoDo-IT-YourselfCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEgujarat:CHinaThe Future of High ResolutionTech FocusInnovationWould You Feel at Homein a Smarthome?More Power to Your PhoneWith XS PowercardTest & MeasurementDevelopments in Mixed-SignalOscilloscopes Accelerate EmbeddedDesign DevelopmentChipsFPGAs for The Internet of Things• Basic Guide to Radio-ControlledBoat Modelling ....................................................97• Arduino Based Audio VU Meter ........................100• AVR Based Programmable Object Counter .....102.• Device for Maintaining Car Batteries ................105• Door-Opening Alarm Using Hall Sensor ...........107• Solar-Powered Kennel Light .............................108• Motion Detector Using NE555 Timer ................110• Design and Analysis of A Single-StageTransistor Amplifier Using C++ .........................112• Controlling a Stepper MotorUsing a Rotary Encoder ....................................115• Simulation of 7-Segment DisplayUsing LabVIEW .................................................117japanSingaporEtaiwanunitEd StatESs uBsc r iPt ion rAtesPeriod Newstand PriceYear(`)two2400one1200You Pay(`)1800960Digital(`)750280OverseasDigital PrintuS$ 15—uS$ 5 uS$ 120please send payments only in favour ofefy enterprises Pvt ltdvalid till august 31, 2015, onlyEmbeddedMobilesefY Plus DVDFreeRTOS: A Real-Time Operating System ............................IG’MIC: A Pleasant Image-Processing Framework ................IVMeep for Electromagnetic Simulations .................................. VIIEngineers Need Tools ThatSolve More Than Just ImmediateHardware ProblemsOperating Systems for MobilesInterviewSurveillance and Access Control:“What is finally happening is adaptivestreaming of surveillance video”8490EFY Plus DVDThis Month’s DVD Contentsprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at internationalprint-o-pack ltd, C-4 to C-11, Hosiery Complex, phase-ii Extension, noida-201305,gautam budh nagar, uttar pradesh, on the first day of each month and publishedfrom d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright 2015.all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material fromthis magazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher isprohibited. although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibilitywhatsoever is taken for any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannot beused are returned to the authors if accompanied by a self-addressed and sufficientlystamped envelope. but no responsibility is taken for any loss or delay in returning thematerial. Efy will not be responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser.disputes, if any, will be settled in a new delhi court only.Make in IndiaestyleRegularsFeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsFirst LookBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index +Attractions During 2015147 Advertisers’ Indexwww.EFYmAg.com— Kaushal Kadakia, product manager,video surveillance solutions, Matrix ComSecMarket Survey: An Outlook forthe PCB Industry in 2015-16:The Indian PerspectiveDIY: Eight Things You Did Not KnowYou Could Do with an iPhone CameraBuyers’ Guide: How to Buythe Best DSLR Camera• Soldering/Desoldering StationsPower System Design:“Whiteboard... would give them timeto work on multiple projects”— Phil Davies, global marketing andsales vice president, Vicor Corp.121122060810148694119125141146next issue4• Medical Electronics• Aerospace &Defence ElectronicsAugust 2015 | ElEctronics For You plusFEEDBACKBarcode for EFY ArticleI am an engineer by profession andkeep myself updated on new technol-ogies, circuits, components and muchmore by reading EFY magazines.However, when I need some actualinformation, I cannot remember theissue. I am sure many readers arefacing this problem. I would like tosuggest a possible solution for thisproblem.A 2D barcode could be providedfor each article and a barcode scan-ner could be added to EFY app.Then, readers could simply scan thebarcode of the article they want tosave using the app and add it to afolder on their phone.Abhimanyu G.Through emailEFY:Thanks for the feedback andsuggestion! We will discuss this withour technical and management teamsfor feasibility and implementation.From Facebook: EFY’s Electronics Design CommunityPlease include projects for third-year diploma students.Suraj ShitreEFY:We have many projects available for students onelectronicsforu.comunder Circuits.Complete kits (including components, PCBs, circuit diagrams and descriptions) ofsome projects are available with our associates Kits‘n’Spares. Please visit their websitekitsnspares.comfor details.Hi, I am from Vietnam. I haveElectronics ProjectsVolume books (Vol. 21 and Vol. 22) forthe years 2000 and 2001, respectively. May I know if you have the latest series, particularlyfrom 2002 onwards?Duy AnhEFY:Yes, we haveElectronics ProjectsVol. 23 through Vol. 26 available in digital format.You could get these from online stores such aspothi.com, rockstand.in, getscoop.com,amazon.comand others.‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn Table II of ‘GPS Master-Slave Clocks with RF Link’ DIY circuit published in June issue, forcharacter p, dp value is printed as 0, which is wrong. It should be 1.GopirajaIn circuit given on page 8, under Q&A of June issue, connections for switches S1 and S2connecting to the ground line are wrong. Enable pin 9 should not be used if output pins 11and 14 of L293D are not used.Vijay KakulIn ‘Radio Frequency Detector’ circuit in June issue, in the first paragraph, it is wronglymentioned as UV meter instead of VU meter. A UV (ultraviolet) meter is used to measure UVlight levels. Here, we have to use volume unit (VU) meter to measure the RF signal level.Arunjo MaliekkalThings You Wanted to KnowPlease provide the source codes of‘Remote Control for Controlling theDirection of a DC Motor’ projectgiven under Things You Wanted toKnow section of June issue.M. Hyder Hossain, proprietor,Sonolite Display, KolkataErrataIn ‘Solar Emergency Lamp’ publishedin June issue, please note the followingcorrections:1. In parts list, C3 should be read as470nF, ceramic disk.2. The sentence ‘15V AC connectedacross connector CON2’ under Circuitand Working should be read as ‘12V ACconnected across connector CON2.’3. On page 81, in the second column,the sentence ‘IC CA4130 is high’ shouldbe read as ‘IC CA3140 is high.’4. In the PCB layout, Fig.4, IRF2should be read as IRF840, instead ofIRF530.6August 2015 | ElEctronics For YouEFY:The completesource codes includ-ing the hex codes forboth transmitter andreceiver units havebeen included in theDVD of this month’sEFY issue.From Twitter: EFY Group@EFYIndiaKerala to be the first Indian state to have Electronics@SchoolAjay Kumar @drajaykumar_iasEFY magazine has put electronics in schools for decades!Sankhya Technologies @teraptorRF DetectorIn ‘Radio Frequency Detector’ circuitpublished in June issue, how can Iuse it to detect a radio frequency (RF)signal? I do not have an RF meter.Ruban PonniahThrough emailThe author D. Mohan Kumar replies:The circuit uses a VU meter (such asthe one used in old tape recorders)to measure the intensity of RF in aroom. A sensitive milliampere metercan also be used. Brightness of theLED also gives an indication of thepresence of an RF signal.Electromagnetic RelayThis is regarding my circuit ‘AC 230VElectromagnetic Relay’ published inJune issue. I found that the overallcircuit efficacy could be improved byinterchanging zener diode ZD1 (12V,1W) and rectifier diode D2 (1N4007).T.K. HareendranThe authorwww.EFYmAg.comQ&AThings YouWanted to Know!Q1.What doeswould likemAh mean? Ito know howmany hours will Mircomax A120,which features a battery of 2000mAh,work for before it drains out? Howcan I calculate hours of working onthe basis of mAh?Ismail Taibanion emailThe capacity of a batteryis rated as amp-hour cur-rent (expressed as Ah). This is theamount of power, in amps, a batterycan deliver over a specific period oftime. If a battery has a rating of fiveamp-hours, it can provide up to 5Acontinuously for one hour, or 1A forfive hours.The current rating of a battery isas important as its voltage rating. Itspecifies the maximum current thatcould be drawn at the rated volt-age. Ah is a large unit, therefore forcapacity of a smaller battery, mAh isused. mAh means milliamp-hours.As milliamp is 1/1000th of an amp,1000mAh can deliver 1000 milli-amps for one hour, or 1-amp-hour.2000mAh means it can deliver 2amps for an hour.The drain current of the batterydepends on mobile as the load. Ifthe mobile consumes maximum loadcurrent of 200mA, it will work up to2000mAh/200mA=10 hours.A1.mobile phoneQ2.Why do some four terminalsbatteries haveand others have only three? Whatare the functions of third and fourthterminal pins?Manash Jyoti Chetia,North Guwahati, AssamNearly all mobile phone bat-teries have three terminalsand sometimes four terminals.Battery pin descriptions are givenbelow:GND or negative terminal.A ref-8August 2015 | ElEctronics For YouA2.erence point for measuring the othervoltage or returning point for electriccurrent. It is the same as a negativebattery terminal.BAT+ or positive terminal.Apositive terminal is also known as apositive battery terminal.Both positive and negative termi-nals are duly-marked on a battery.Battery temperature (BTemp).This terminal is used for sensing.Batteries are charged by apply-ing controlled current through thecharging circuit. While charging abattery, some chemical and electricenergy is converted into heat, so abattery tends to overheat while get-ting charged. Overheating and over-charging may damage the batterypermanently, shorten its life or leadto explosion. Thus, we need to con-trol the heating of the battery duringcharging.BTemp terminal of the battery isused to sense the temperature of thebattery, and accordingly, the chargingcircuit of the mobile phone changesthe voltage levels of the output. Thischange in voltage by the charger cir-cuit controls the charging current tothe battery. The battery-charging cir-cuit continuously senses this termi-nal, thus temperature of the batterywhile charging, and accordingly, var-ies the current or the charging rate.Battery site indicator or batterysystem indicator (BSI).There aresome mobile phones that have short-er BSI pins. This is because when abattery is removed and the phone isswitched on, the BSI circuit inter-rupts first, which tells the processorto shut down all communication toprevent damage.The battery block contains BSIresistors for battery identification.BSI fixed resistor value indicates thechemistry and default capacity of abattery. Temperature and capacityinformation is needed for charge con-trol (charging current and voltage). Itis connected to the resistor to GND.The phone measures the resistance ofBSI-GND connectors and determineswhat kind of battery is in the phone.For example, Nokia NiMH batterieshave BMC-2 640mAH 3.3kΩ, BMC-3900mAH 5.6kΩ.haveQ3.Iwhat istwo questions. First,the difference be-tween ARM processor and ARMCortex? What is Arduino Uno R3processor?Prof. Pamarthi KanakarajaUsha Rama College of Engineering& Technology (Andhra Pradesh)ARM and ARM Cortex.Theseare both processor cores onwhich microcontrollers (MCUs) aremade. ARM Cortex-M3 is an imple-mentation of ARM7v architecture. Anumber of manufacturers are produc-ing MCUs based on Cortex-M3 andARM7 cores. ARM Holdings licensesthe design to manufacturers that pro-duce their own implementation.While ARM7 implements bothARM and Thumb instruction sets,Cortex-M3 supports only Thumb-2instruction set. Cortex-M3 is aimed atthe deeply embedded market. It is de-signed to be low-cost and low-powerand provides good performancefor the cost and power, particularlysuited to automotive and wirelesscommunication applications.The other ARM core is ARM7TD-MI (and ARM7TDMIS). MCUs basedon this core are, in many ways, theworkhorse of the embedded world.Arduino Uno R3 processor.This is a MCU board based on AT-mega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which six can beused as pulse-width modulation out-puts), six analogue inputs, 16MHzceramic resonator, USB connection,power jack, ICSP header and a re-set button. It contains everythingthat is needed to support the MCU;simply connect it to a computerwith a USB cable, or power it withan AC-to-DC adaptor or battery, toget started.A3.Answers compiled by EFY joint director (training), Col.N.C. Pande (Retd). Letters and questions for publica-tion may be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and should includename and address of the senderwww.EFYmAg.comuseful websitesDo-It-YourselfTrying out different experiments has always been fun and satisfying for a hobbyist.This month we have listed out some websites that could help you try your hands ondifferent do-it-yourself (DIY) projectsniraj sahaydoityourself.comdoityourself.com,founded in 1995, is an independent home improvement and repair website. It isdivided into three sections: How-Tos, Forums and Did It Myself. Did It Myself section has projectson various topics. The website also includes a section called Electrical & Electronics. You mayaccess this site freely and use it for non-commercial purposes, subject to terms and conditions.Today,doityourself.comaverages over five million unique visitors per month.www.doityourself.com/did-it-myself/electrical-and-electronicsfixya.comThis site has a solution for nearly everything. In 2005, many product manufacturers were neglectingpost-purchase customer support. Frustrated by the lack of practical post-purchase information,entrepreneur Yaniv Bensadon set out to build a community resource capable of providing relevantand up-to-date data for troubleshooting. Today, fixya continues to empower individuals to repair andimprove upon their already-purchased possessions. From fixing cars to cameras and iPhones, fixyansare part of a DIY revolution that helps empower techies, tinkerers and hobbyists across the globe.www.fixya.comdiy-electronic-projects.comThis website has a good collection of DIY projects on electronics.diy-electronic-projects.comhas more than 300 projects, which are sorted in several categories, to try your hands on.www.diy-electronic-projects.comfastrepairguide.comThis is the place where you can find online computer and electronics repair guides. The siteprovides repair and troubleshooting information for devices ranging from LCD monitors andcomputer motherboards to inverters and printers. It also provides links to electronics projectsand components’ datasheets.fastrepairguide.comhas about 13,215 users in its onlinecommunity and is one of the most popular websites in the city of Ipoh, Malaysia, accordingtoalexa.com,with maximum search queries related to LCD and plasma TV repair.www.fastrepairguide.comelectronics-diy.comThe site allows you to contribute DIY electronics projects. It has many projects spread acrossdifferent sections, namely, Electronic Store, Electronic Blog, Electronic Schematics and Tutorials.The last section contains tutorials on PIC microcontrollers, EAGLE printed circuit boards (PCBs) andon how to make PCBs, among others. Overall, it is a great place for a hobbyist to learn and contribute.electronics-diy.com/index.php10August 2015 | ElEctronics For Youwww.EFYmAg.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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