Electronics For You Plus - April 2015, Electronics For You Plus 2015

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//-->electronics for you Plus | aPril 2015 | Vol. 3 no. 12contentsBuYERS’ GuIDEEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02TEch FocuS5G Technologyto Benefit CyberPhysical Systems3672Prototyping, Designingwith FPGA Boards MadeAffordable and AbsorbingadvErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 020-40147882E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.com20283240465258626876784Tele-immersion: The Death of DistanceFuturisticDo-IT-YourselfCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEDesignThe Making of a Radio-Controlled PlaneTech FocusTelecomSensorsgujarat:Your Phone, Your Network, Your Apps:Everything Would Change by 2020IMT: Advanced Requirements and4G Candidate TechnologiesAn Introduction to WirelessMultimedia Sensor Networks• Wireless Hotel Ordering System .........................92• Museum Watchdog .............................................96• Wireless Low-Cost Luggage Security Alarm ......97• Simple Light and Sound Indicatorfor Mains Power Supply ......................................99• Air Motion Detector ...........................................100• Arduino Piggyback on Raspberry Pi .................101• Pre-Primary Tutor Using Arduino ......................103• Designing an 8-Bit ArithmeticLogic Unit Using ModelSim ...............................105CHinajapanSingaporEtaiwanunitEd StatESTest & MeasurementNew T&M Tools for AcademiaBoost Learning, R&D and IndustryReadiness8788112114122InterviewInnovationvice president of the technology andmanufacturing group and general managerof Intel Custom Foundry, Intel Corp.“We are running in fog and itis getting denser”— Sunit Rikhi,printed, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at nutech photolithographers,b-38, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi, on the first day of each month andpublished from d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi 110020. Copyright2015. all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction of any material from thismagazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited.although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility whatsoever is takenfor any loss due to publishing errors. articles that cannot be used are returned to theauthors if accompanied by a self-addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope. butno responsibility is taken for any loss or delay in returning the material. Efy will notbe responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser. disputes, if any, will besettled in a new delhi court only.Control Everything with Your HandInterviewEmbeddedTo Go Boldly Where No Board HasGone BeforeBetter Integration and EnhancedSoftware-Driving Programmable ICs“Could cause missiles to misfire, radarsystems to crash”— John Cronin, vice president of operations,North Shore Components Inc.efY Plus DVDGNU Radio: An Open Source Software Radio Ecosystem IIRSIM: A Switch-Level Circuit SimulatorIVnano-archimedes: A GNU Package forVIINano-World SimulationseStyle Buyers’ GuideHeadphones for Enjoying QualityMusic all the TimeRegularsFeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsFirst LookMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index +Attractions During 2015149 Advertisers’ Indexwww.EFYmag.comEFY Plus DVDThis Month’s DVD ContentsEFY Expo India 2015Make in IndiaCelebrating the success of the IndianESDM industryMarket Survey: Green Power BackupSolutions will be the Next Big Thing in IndiaDefence Electronics•Virtual electronics(on Web)Precision-Guided Munitions:Infra-Red-Guided Weapons (Part 3 of 4)06081014110118126129139148next issue•telecom & electronics•3D Printers(under`100,000)april 2015 | ElEctronics For You plusFEEDBACKPhysics Nobel PrizeIn ‘Physics Nobel Prize 2014 for LEDsas Future Lighting Devices’ article inJanuary issue, while explaining aboutPN junction (page 26) it is given thatwhen no voltage is applied, a depletionregion is formed. But should it not beso when voltage is applied?Pooja MathKalaburgiThe author Dr S.S. Verma replies:That is correct! The formation of thedepletion region in PN junction isformed when no voltage is applied.In continuation to what follows inPN junction formation across the crys-tal is, there is a concentration gradientof holes and electrons. Holes that are inmajority on p-side are minority carrierson n-type; and vice versa for electrons.Concentration gradient causes diffusionof charge carriers (holes and electrons)across the junction even without ap-plied voltage.Holes will diffuse from p-side ton-side, and electrons will diffuse fromn-side to p-side. Some holes on p-sidewill combine with electrons that havediffused from n-side (some holes willdisappear). This leaves un-neutralisedacceptor ions (negative ions) near thejunction on p-side.Similarly, some electrons on n-sidewill combine with holes that havediffused from p-side, leaving un-neu-tralised donor ions (positive ions) nearthe junction on n-side. Thus, there willbe an accumulation of positive andnegative ions near the junction calleddepletion region.‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn ‘Precision-Guided Munitions: Guided Techniques’ article under Defence Electronicssection of February issue, under ‘Types of guided weapons,’ it is mentioned ‘anti radiationweapons (ARMs),’ but it should be anti radiation missiles (ARMs).Siddharth KaulIn ‘Building Connected Internet of Things Widgets with Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo’article in February issue, there is an error under ‘Comparison between Galileo and RaspberryPi Model B+’. GPIO pins for Raspberry Pi B+ are given as 26 instead of 40.Tejas S. HortikarIt can be made using two ordinaryferrite beads placed side-by-side, ifbinocular balun core is not available.Ferrite balun cores available in vari-ous sizes are shown in Fig. 1.Pendulum ClockFig. 1: Balun coresFig. 2: Error messageErrataIn ‘Buyers’ Guide’ on modern multimetersin March issue, under ‘Notable MultimeterBrands’ (page 57), Rigol has beenmisspelled as Rigal.PLL FM TransmitterI am interested in ‘PLL FM Transmitter’circuit published in December 2014 is-sue. I am stuck at RFC (RFC1 and RFC2)and balun cores? Please explain in detailabout RFC and L2, and tell me how tomake these, or where these are available?Rushiraj JawaleMumbaiThe author Joy Mukherji replies:RFC1 and RFC2 are wound on two-hole6April 2015 | ElEctronics For Youbinocular TV balun cores. These aregenerally used at the back of a TVfor interfacing with the feeder wire.These can be replaced with ready-made moulded RF inductors.RFC1 is critical as it prevents thePLL reference tone of 1.5625kHzfrom entering the RF section of thetransmitter via the power supply. Anyvalue between 1mH and 5mH will do.RFC1 in the prototype is measured at1.5mH. Use a 40μH to 100μH mouldedchoke for RFC2. RFC2 is not criticaland can be eliminated altogether.L2 is a simple broadband trans-former wound on a TV balun core.In ‘Javascript Based Canvas Pendu-lum Clock’ DIY articlepublished in Februaryissue, the screenshot(Fig. 2) on page 124 iswrong. An error mes-sage is supposed to popup if Internet Explorer(IE) is used but, instead,it is asking for the de-fault browser. When ascript is not supportedin IE, it should not showanything.Monish MeherVashiThe author Sridhar Bukya replies:The screenshot is correct. If you haveinstalled more than one browser, say,IE and Google Chrome, on your PC,and if these are run for the first time,the message asking which browsershould be used as default pops up.‘Cannot Run On Internet ExplorerBrowser’ error message is shown alongwith other messages. The same is re-produced here in Fig. 2..htmland.htmfiles both run onthese browsers. IE versions lowerthan 11.0.9600.16438 may not sup-port <canvas> element. I have runand tested the project on GoogleChrome version 40.0.2214.111.For older versions of IE, the pagewill return blank as it does not recog-nise <canvas> element.www.EFYmAg.comQ&AThings YouWanted to Know!want to start making elec-Q1.Itronic items for which I needsoldering machines, stations andother components like LEDs andresistors. I request you to send mesome details regarding the same.Jaswinder KaurRopar, PunjabYou will find the necessaryinformation on sources ofsupply of components and instru-ments in EFY Electronics IndustryDirectory. You can also get informa-tion online from our websitewww.eleb2b.comFor soldering machines, you needto know parameters like tip tempera-ture, tip-to-ground resistance, solderpot temperature and ambient tem-perature, among others.Parameters for selection of LEDsare colour, viewing-angle character-istics, forward and reverse voltageluminous intensity and package,among others.Resistor parameters to be consid-ered include type, wattage, tolerance,voltage rating, temperature coeffi-cient, stability and others.A3.3-bit-per-cell (X3) technol-ogy relates to flash memorystructure. Flash memory has beenavailable for the last few years withsingle-level cells having 1-bit stor-age per cell (SLC) and 2-bit per cellmulti-level cell (MLC).Multi-level cell flash is a type offlash memory that stores more thanone bit per cell. The ever-increasingdigital data places an increaseddemand for NAND flash memory,which has lead to the development ofX3 technology. It is co-developed bySanDisk and Toshiba, which shareswith SanDisk the development andmanufacturing of advanced flashmemories.The memory-tiered structure isshown in the figure below. X3 tech-nology requires no change in thebasic design of flash memory from amanufacturing viewpoint. With thesame process technology, X3 providesmore bits per wafer and lower costper bit. Thus, the cost reductions perSLCWrite Performancesumption is less in SLC/MLC. MLCflash is less expensive than SLC,which makes it a popular choice forconsumer-grade solid-state storage.relayQ4.The 3-pole electronic ratingwith sufficient currentis available, but generally it is notused to operate the 3-phase, 400VAC, 5HP induction motor. Electriccontactors are widely used to oper-ate it. Please explain why relays arenot used?S. ChinnaduraiSalem-DT, Tamil NaduRelays and contactors areelectromagnetic switches.The only difference is that relays areusually used for low-voltage applica-tions, while contactors are used forhigher-voltage applications. Contac-tors with accessories like start, stopbuttons and overload relays provideintegrated solutions for starting andcontrolling operations of 3-phase ACmotors.Direct onlineMemory Tiered Structuresstarters using con-SLCtactors are avail-MLCable as single units,which can easilybe mounted onc o n t ro l p a n e l s.X3Contactors havelarger-size contactstrips, which arecapable of carryingmore current. Thedistance betweencontact strips is also more, thereforecapable of withstanding higher volt-ages.Relays are normally used in appli-ances below 5kW, while contactorsare preferred when the appliance isheavier in terms of current require-ment. Further, relays are cumber-some to use when compared withcontactors.A1.A4.2bitsMLCX33bitscapacityQ2.What should be the 100-wattof the battery for asolar panel with three-hour run time?Ram MohantyCuttack, OdishaFor 100W load and three-hourruntime with a margin of 25per cent, the rating of the inverterwould be 125W. Capacity of thebattery should be 3×125=375Wh.So we have to use two batteriesof 200Wh (2×200=400Wh>375Wh)each.Cost/GBMemory-tiered structureA2.wouldtheQ3.Ifeatures oflike to know (X3)3-bit-per-celltechnology.Ashish MulajkarPune, Maharashtra8April 2015 | ElEctronics For Youbit can be significant using X3. Thistechnology also maintains low cost asshown in the figure.Write performance is better inSLC/MLC as shown in the figure.Read performance in X3 does not dif-fer much between SLC and MLC. Themore bits the cell has, the fewer writecycles it will have. For example, a2-bit MLC cell is good for about 3000to 10,000 write operations before itbegins to fail, while a 3-bit MLC cellwould only have 300 to 3000 writecycles. Once a cell is written to itslimit, it starts to forget what is storedand can corrupt the data. Power con-Answers compiled by EFY joint director(training), Col. N.C. Pande (Retd). Let-ters and questions for publication may beaddressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, NewDelhi 110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and shouldinclude name and address of the senderwww.EFYmAg.comuseful websitesOpen Source HardwareOpen source hardware (OSHW) consists of physical hardware designed and offered in thesame manner as free and open source software. Here are a few websites that will introduceyou to some commonly available OSHWniraj sahaysolid-run.comThis website has complete information on the new HummingBoard, a small, powerful, low-costARM computer. This OSHW allows you to run many open source operating systems, such asUbuntu, Debian and Arch, as well as Android and XBMC. With its core technology based onSolidRun’s state-of-the-art micro-system on a module (MicroSOM), it has ready-to-use opensource images, and its open hardware comes with full schematics and layout. The websiteprovides you with complete documentation and video tutorials on how to use HummingBoard.http://www.solid-run.com/products/hummingboard/www.arduino.ccArduino is an open source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board.The official Arduino website has a section where you can find a list of do-it-yourself project ideasbased on this OSHW. The list is helpful for both the novice and the experienced. The project ideassection has been divided into three categories for easy navigation. The categories include easy,intermediate and advanced.http://arduino.cc/oshwa.orgThe Open Source Hardware Association aims to be the voice of the open hardware community,ensuring that technological knowledge is accessible to everyone, and encouraging the collaborativedevelopment of technology that serves education, environmental sustainability and human welfare.The website educates individuals and general public about OSHW. It also encourages collaborativelearning, knowledge exchange and social cohesion through details of conferences and other eventsfocused on OSHW.http://www.oshwa.org/about/beagleboard.orgBeagleBoard is a low-power, low-cost, fanless single-board computer. It is based on TexasInstruments processors featuring ARM Cortex-A series core. beagleboard.org is an all-volunteeractivity started by a group of passionate individuals, including several employees of TexasInstruments, interested in creating powerful, open and embedded devices. The website has adiscussion board along with links that provide information regarding where you can buy theboard. It also has around two hundred different projects related to the board.http://beagleboard.org/opencores.orgOpenCores is one of the world’s largest site/community for development of hardware IP cores asopen source. OpenCores.org hosts the source code for different digital hardware projects (like, IP-cores, SoCs and boards) and supports users with different tools, platforms, forums and other usefulinformation. The community is continuously growing and new people and companies from all overthe world are registering their profiles and projects at OpenCores. You can explore it to understandhow it works.http://opencores.org/10April 2015 | ElEctronics For Youwww.EFYmAg.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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