Electronics For You Plus - July 2015, Electronics For You Plus 2015

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//-->electronics for you Plus | July 2015 | Vol. 4 no. 03contentsBuYERs’ GuIDEEditor: ramesh ChopraEditorial: Editorial SecretaryCorrESpondEnCE phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in(technical queries: efylab@efy.in)SubSCriptionS & : phone: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03miSSing iSSuESE-mail: support@efy.inbaCk iSSuES,bookS, Cds,pCbs etc.ExCluSivEnEwSStanddiStributor: kits‘n’Spares, new delhiphone: 011-26371661, 26371662E-mail: info@kitsnspares.com: ibH books & magazines distributors ltdunit no.10, bezzola Complex ,opp. Suman nagar, Sion trombay road,Chembur, mumbai 400 071phone: 022-40497401/02TEch Focus34202842465056627680Float Like a Cadillac,Sting Like a Beemer70Pocket-FriendlyOscilloscopesUnder`50,000advErtiSEmEntSnEw dElHi: ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03(HEad offiCE)E-mail: efyenq@efy.inmumbaibEngaluru: ph: 022-24950047, 24928520E-mail: efymum@efy.in: ph: 080-25260394, 25260023E-mail: efyblr@efy.in: ph: 044-42994363E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 040-67172633E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 033-22294788E-mail: efyenq@efy.in: ph: 020-40147882E-mail: efypune@efy.in: ph: 079-61344948E-mail: efyahd@efy.in: power pioneer group inc.ph: (86 755) 83729797, (86) 13923802595E-mail: powerpioneer@efy.in: tandem inc., ph: 81-3-3541-4166E-mail: tandem@efy.in: publicitas Singapore pte ltdph: +65-6836 2272E-mail: publicitas@efy.in: j.k. media, ph: 886-2-87726780 ext. 10E-mail: jkmedia@efy.in: E & tech mediaph: +1 860 536 6677E-mail: veroniquelamarque@gmail.comAutonomic ComputingWithout Human InterventionFuturisticDo-IT-YourselfCHEnnaiHydErabadkolkatapunEgujarat:CHinaTech FocusspacechipsAge of The DrivablesLunar Exploration by Privately-FundedTeams: A New BeginningPhotonic ICs Now CompeteWith Electronic ICsDesignCircuit Protection: Too Importantto be an AfterthoughtTest & MeasurementTest and Measurement Toolsfor LED Lighting• Arduino Based Gesture-Controlled Robot ........102• Android Application for an RC Chargingand Discharging Circuit .....................................105• Electronic Door Lock Using Arduino .................108• See and Speak Using Raspberry Pi ................. 110• Daytime Running Lights Controller ................... 112• AC/DC Signal Mixer, Follower, Buffer andInverter with 10 Inputs ...................................... 114.• Low-Frequency Electronic Muscle Stimulator .. 116.• Over-Heat Detector ........................................... 118• Verilator ............................................................. 119japanSingaporEtaiwanunitEd StatESs uBsc r iPt ion rAtesPeriod Newstand PriceYear(`)two2400one1200You Pay(`)1800960Digital(`)750280OverseasDigital PrintuS$ 15—uS$ 5 uS$ 120DesignefY Plus DVDBasic User Interface Designfor Electronics EngineersTarsosDSP: A Real-Time Audio Analysisand Processing FrameworkNgspice: Spice Circuit SimulatorCImg: A Powerful C++ Library for Image ProcessingIIVVIIplease send payments only in favour ofefy enterprises Pvt ltdvalid till august 31, 2015, onlyInnovationInterviewSTAR: A Multi-Purpose WearableGadget from India“Manage those fans in a betterway and easily cut down powerconsumption”— Vivek Sharma,848892EFY Plus DVDViewpointThis Month’s DVD ContentsProduct Quality Perceptionsof Chinese SMEs and the Best Optionto Buy Quality Products from Chinaprinted, published and owned by ramesh Chopra. printed at nutechphotolithographers, b-38, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi, on the first dayof each month and published from d-87/1, okhla industrial area, phase-1, new delhi110020. Copyright 2015. all rights reserved throughout the world. reproduction ofany material from this magazine in any manner without the written permission ofthe publisher is prohibited. although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, noresponsibility whatsoever is taken for any loss due to publishing errors. articles thatcannot be used are returned to the authors if accompanied by a self-addressed andsufficiently stamped envelope. but no responsibility is taken for any loss or delay inreturning the material. Efy will not be responsible for any wrong claims made by anadvertiser. disputes, if any, will be settled in a new delhi court only.82regional vice president, Greater Chinaand South Asia region - India operations,director - India design centres,STMicroelectronicsMake in IndiaestyleRegularsFeedbackQ&AUseful WebsitesTech NewsMake in India: Industry NewsNew ProductsFirst LookBusiness Pages AdsElectronics Mart AdsProduct Categories Index +Attractions During 2015147 Advertisers’ Indexwww.EFymag.comInterviewMarket Survey: Safer, Smarter,Greener Mobility Fuelling AutomotiveElectronics in IndiaFive Tablets Under`25,000Buyers’ Guide: Why BuyBluetooth Speakers• Microcontroller BasedDevelopment Boardstechnology and marketing director,National Instruments“Processors will have moreprocessing power than the humanbrain”— Rahman Jamal, global125126060810148598123128141146next issue4• Smarthomes• PCB Industry in India:Suppliers & ManufacturersJuly 2015 | ElEctronics For you plusFEEDBACKArticle CopiedI would like to bring to your noticethat my article ‘PC Based WirelessControl for Toy Car’ publishedin EFY September 2010 issue hasbeen copied by Somangshu Bagchiand published inInternationalJournal of Scientific & EngineeringResearch(IJSER) without any no-tification or prior permission fromme. Because of this, the originalityof my work cannot be stated atmany places.I wish to register an officialcomplaint against him and alsodemand the immediate removal ofmy article from IJSER, Volume 4,Issue 11, November 2013.Bodhibrata MukhopadhyayThe authorFrom electronicsforu.com: Circuits and MicrocontrollersThe ‘Alcohol Level Tester’ circuit published in EFY June 2014 issue is a good one.Good job, thank you, EFY!Chaitanya JadhavarThe ‘Weather Logger’ project published in EFY January 2014 issue is a good project. Ithas a very important application in agricultural engineering.Kareem K.The ‘Speed Controller for Small Cooling Fans’ circuit published in August 2014 issue isquite useful. I used a 120-ohm thermistor for a 12V DC fan and the circuit is working fine.NaveenI used a 10-kilo-ohm NTC in ‘Speed Controller for Small Cooling Fans’ circuit and it isworking very well.Sombaran GuptaThanks a lot for sharing ‘Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform Using C++’ DIYsoftware article, published in March 2013 issue.Swapnil Mishra‘Spot An Error’ Award WinnersIn ‘Intelligent Instrument Cooling Fan Driver’ circuit published in May issue, under PartsList, CON2 and CON3 have been wrongly mentioned as 2-pin connectors instead of 3-pinconnectors.Siddharth KaulIn ‘Selecting The Right LED Bulb’ article in May issue, EFY efficiency factor for Bajaj shouldbe 85.71 instead of 67.14, according to the formula mentioned in the footnotes.R. Ruban PonniahRadio-Controlled PlaneIn ‘The Making of a Radio-Con-trolled Plane’ article in April issue,under Battery Pack section, it ismentioned that the battery with10C rating (800mAh×10C) gives8A of continuous current. If thecapacity of the battery is 800mA,how can it provide 8A? It can beunderstood that the battery canprovide 800mA for one hour.Shaikh AdilThrough emailThe author T.K. Hareendran replies:C (capacity) rating is the maxi-mum safe continuous dischargerate of a lithium-polymer (LiPo)battery pack. If you see 10C onyour LiPo, it means that it can bedischarged at ten times that of thepack’s capacity.Capacity refers to the milliam-pere-hour (mAh) rating of LiPo,which is indicated in the digitfollowed by mAh (for example,1000mAh). You may find yourLiPo’s discharge rate by just mul-tiplying the number from C rating6July 2015 | ElEctronics For youFrom Facebook: EFY’s Electronics Design CommunityCongratulations! You have 800,000 plus likes on your EFY Electronics Design Communitypage! Keep it up!Amar Deep Singhby LiPo’s capacity. Here is an ex-ample for a LiPo battery with 11.1V,2000mAh and10C rating.2000mAh×10=20,000mAh or20A. This means that, you can safelydraw up to 20A continuously fromthe LiPo pack without causing anydamage to your LiPo.You may also refer to the de-tails given onwww.revolectrix.com/tech_data/lipoCalc/Battery_C_Rating.htmErrataIn ‘Buyers’ Guide’ on LED bulbs (page109, May 2015 issue), the luminanceof Havells LED bulb is 770lm instead of520lm and the price is`400 instead of`600. Therefore EFY lumens factor shouldbe 1.93 and EFY efficiency factor, 110.Low-Cost Power SupplyIn ‘Versatile Low-Cost Power Supply’DIY article published in May issue,the value of capacitor C1 is men-tioned as 100nF, 400V in Parts List,whereas in the circuit diagram (Fig.1), it is given as 100nF, 440V.Praveen S. JavaliThrough emailEFY.Thanks for pointing out theprinting mistake! It should be 100nF,440V, as given in the circuit diagram.www.EFymag.comQ&AThings YouWanted to Know!Q1.I have two questions. First,how does a processor orcontroller access data from memory?Second, what is Raspi?Megha WaliThrough emailAccessing data from memoryin a microcontroller (MCU).Microprocessors and MCUs are dif-ferent in that, microprocessors donot have inbuilt data memory (RAM)and program memory (ROM), where-as MCUs have both on the chip itself.In MCUs, operation codes, op-erands and results are stored in thememory space (ROM and RAM),which is organised into banks seg-ments or pages.Therefore an arrangement isneeded for reaching a location inthe data memory space, where thedesired operands required by an in-struction are stored and where theresults after execution of the instruc-tion, if required, are to be stored.An addressing mode specifieshow to calculate the effective mem-ory address of an operand by usingthe information held in registers and/or constants contained within a ma-chine instruction.Addressing modes depend on thedesign of the central processing unit(CPU), memory space and organisa-tion of registers. These differ fromMCUs of one brand to another.There are different ways for ad-dressing a location in the memoryspace, which are called addressingmodes. Some of these are immedi-ate, register direct, absolute, addressregister indirect, address registerrelative and relative. In short, datais lodged in data memory space andhas address. To get the data, the ad-dress is computed by the addressingmechanism.Let us see how data memo-ry is managed in microcontroller8July 2015 | ElEctronics For youA1.PIC18F4520. Data memory is organ-ised in 16 banks. However, only sixbanks have been implemented. Eachbank has 256 slots and each slotof memory can accommodate onebyte or eight bits. So, the addressingmechanism has to compute the ad-dress for one slot out of 1536 slots.Twelve bits will be needed forthis; four bits from the bank selectingresistor (BSR) for selecting the bank.Once we are in that bank, furthereight bits will be required for select-ing the intended slot out of 256 slotsin the selected bank. Each of the 12bits is made up in a different man-ner depending upon the addressingmode.In direct addressing mode, all 12bits are provided by the instruction.In indirect addressing mode, theinstruction provides the pointer andfrom that pointer, 12 bits are con-jured to compute the selection of thebank and the address of the intendedlocation in that bank.Raspberry Pi.Raspberry Pi, orRaspi, is a computing system thatuses a Raspi board, laptop, standardkeyboard, mouse, computer moni-tor or TV, micro USB cable, microSDcard with adapter, HDMI cable andnetwork cable for its operations. Pro-gramming is done in languages likePython, Wiring Pi, C/ C++ and PHP.It is capable of doing everythingthat is expected from a desktop com-puter, from browsing the Internet andplaying high-definition video to mak-ing spreadsheets and playing games.The system has the ability to interactwith the outside world and has beenused in many projects, from musicmachines to weather stations.Raspi board has 26 dedicatedGPIO pins, including a UART, an I2Cbus, SPI bus with two chip selects,I2S audio, 3.3V, 5V and ground. Themaximum number of GPIOs cantheoretically be indefinitely expandedby making use of the I2C or SPI bus.Interfacing of the camera moduleis an interesting application of Raspi.It can take high-definition videos aswell as still photographs.theQ2.What is and difference betweenCDMAGSM technology?Which, according to you, is better?R.K. Mishra, GM-ElectricalUniversal Cables Ltd, Satna, MPCode division multiple access(CDMA) and global system formobiles (GSM) are two major radiosystems used in mobile phones. Theseincorporate multiple-access technolo-gies, multiple phone calls or Internetconnections into one radio channel.CDMA is most popular in the USA,whereas GSM is adopted by almost allother countries as the way to commu-nicate via mobile calls.Differences between the two are:GSM comes from an industry con-sortium and CDMA is owned by chip-maker Qualcomm. It is much easier toswap phones on GSM networks usinga SIM card. A carrier must accept anyGSM-compliant phone, so GSM car-riers do not have total control of thephone you are using.CDMA carriers use network basedwhite lists to verify their subscribers.Therefore you can only switch phoneswith your carrier’s permission, and acarrier does not have to accept anyparticular phone onto its network.3G CDMA networks cannot makevoice calls and transmit data at thesame time, which is not the case with3G GSM networks.GSM is based on time-division sys-tem. Voice is transformed into digitaldata, which is given a channel and atime slot. The receiver listens only tothe assigned time slot and pieces thecall back together.CDMA is a code-division sys-tem. Every call’s data is encoded with aunique key and calls are all transmittedat once. Each receiver has the uniquekey to divide the combined signal intoits individual calls.In short, GSM or CDMA ultimatelyprovide the same service and the qual-ity of a network depends on the carrier.A2.Answers compiled by EFY joint director (training), Col.N.C. Pande (Retd). Letters and questions for publica-tion may be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You,D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and should includename and address of the senderwww.EFymag.comuseful websitesAutomotive ElectronicsWith the growth of technology, electronics has become a major game changer in theautomotive industry. Here are a few websites that could help you understand moreniraj sahayelectro-tech-online.comElectro Tech is an online community with over 100,000 members, who enjoy talking about andbuilding electronics circuits, projects and gadgets. The forum has a dedicated section for discussionon automotive electronics. In order to participate, you need to register, and registration is free.www.electro-tech-online.com/forums/automotive-electronicscvel.clemson.eduClemson Vehicular Electronics Laboratory (CVEL) conducts targeted research related toautomotive and aerospace vehicle electronics including electronics components, circuits, sensors,communication and power distribution with emphasis on systems integration, electromagneticcompatibility and modelling. The website is a rich resource for learning these topics. It has details ofelectronics systems for automobiles.www.cvel.clemson.edu/auto/index.htmlopenautoalliance.netOpen Automotive Alliance (OAA) is a group of technology and automotive companies that have cometogether to bring the best of Android into the automobile world in a safe seamless way. Membersof OAA share a vision for the connected car and are committed to collaborating around a commonplatform to make this vision a reality. The website is a place to know who, why and what about OAA.www.openautoalliance.netinfineon.comInfineon is the world’s second-largest chip supplier to the automotive industry. Theymanufacture innovative semiconductor products covering the complete control loop,contributing to a more sustainable mobility in terms of reduced fuel consumption/emission,improved safety and affordability. The website works as a learning centre for availableelectronics products for the automotive industry. It has e-learning and Videos sections that canbe of interest to people interested in automotive electronics.www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/applications/automotive/download-eLearning.htmlbosch-mobility-solutions.comBosch Group is a global supplier of technology and services. The group’s strategic objective is tocreate solutions for a connected life. Bosch improves the quality of life worldwide with products andservices that are innovative and spark enthusiasm. The website is a good place to learn more aboutthe latest in automobile and electronics technology.www.bosch-mobility-solutions.com/en/de/index.html10July 2015 | ElEctronics For youwww.EFymag.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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